No. SO.IV(LG)1-10/2002
Dated Lahore, the 21st July,2004
This issue of further rationalization of the pensionary matters of the retired/retiring employees of erstwhile Local Councils has been under consideration of LG & RD Department in consultation with Finance Department.
- In continuation of this Department’s letters of even numbers dated 23-10-2002 and 15-3-2003, Pension Sanctioning Authorities in respect of various categories of retired / retiring employees at local governments are being clarified as under:
Sr.# Category of Employees Pension Sanctioning Authority
1 Employees of Education and Health sectors of erstwhile urban local councils now adjusted at District Governments (excluding the members of health & educational functional units of PLGB). (i) The powers of Pension Sanctioning Authorities for such employees shall now be exercised by the respective Appointing Authorities at the District government as prescribed vide LG&RD Department’s Notification NO.SOV(LG)5-26/2001 dated 18-4-2002. The Pension Sanctioning Authorities prescribed earlier vide this Department’s letter No.SO.IV(LG)1-10/2002 dated 23-10-2002 shall be deemed to have been substituted/modified to the respective extent.
(ii) With regard to the issuance of Pension payment orders in respect of all such employees retiring from the District Govt., the provisions prescribed in para (d) of Notification No. IV(LG)1-10/2002 dated 23-10-2002 shall remain applicable as such.
2 Employees of erstwhile urban local councils (except defunct Metropolitan Corporation, Lahore) now adjusted at
District Governments, successor Local Government (TMAs) and Union Administrations (other than health & education staff mentioned above).
(ii) Isolated cases of employees (other than Health & Education) adjusted in District Government in departure to the general policy. (i) The powers of pension Sanctioning Authorities shall be vested in the respective Appointing Authorities at the successor TMA as defined vide Notification No. SOV(LG)5-26/2002 dated 18-4-2002 regardless of the current place of posting of the official.
For employees adjusted (temporarily) at the District Government, the pension contribution shall be made by the District Government to the successor local government i.e., TMA where the pension fund is being maintained and vice versa in the light of Rule 13 read with Rule 12 of the West Pakistan Local Councils (Pension) Rules, 1964 and this Department’s letter No. SO.IV(LG)5-2/81 dated 15-4-1991. This Department letter of even No. dated 15-3-2003 shall stand amended to this extent.
(ii) The cases of such employees shall be dealt within terms of the provision of para 6(III) of LG&RD’s letter No. SO-IV(LG)1-10/2002 dated 15-3-2003 on the case to case basis.
3 Employees of erstwhile Zila Councils / Metropolitan Corporation, Lahore now adjusted at District Governments, TMAs and UAs (i) The powers of Pension Sanctioning Authorities for such employees shall now be exercised by the respective Appointing Authorities at the District Government, as prescribed vide LG&RD Department’s Notification No. SO.V(LG)5-25/2001 dated 18-4-2002. The Pension Sanctioning Authorities prescribed earlier, vide this Department’s letter No. SO.IV(LG)1-10/2002 dated 23-10-2002 shall be deemed to have been substituted/modified to the respective extent.
(ii) With regard to the issuance of Pension payment orders in respect of all such employees retiring from the District Govt., the provisions prescribed in para (d) of Notification No. IV(LG)l-10/2002 dated 23-10-2002 shall remain applicable as such.
(iii) For employees of erstwhile Zila Councils/MCL adjusted at the TMAs/ the pension contribution shall be made by the TMA to the present successor local government i.e., District Government in the light of Rule 13 read with Rule 12 of the West Pakistan Local Councils (Pension) Rules, 1964 and this Department’s letter No. SO.IV(LG) 5-2/81 dated 15-4-1991.
- All the TMAs shall transfer the record in respect of employees mentioned at serial No. 1 above to the respective District Governments immediately.
- All the local governments shall ensure timely payment of pensionary liabilities on respect of its employees as reflected in this Department letter of even number dated 15-3-2003. Moreover, necessary steps leading to the payment of pension to retiring official shall be initiated well in time (preferably six months before retirement) ensuring prompt payment of pensionary emolument (and regular monthly pension to the retiring official at the time of retirement.
No. SO.IV(LG) 1-10/2002
Dated Lahore, the 3rd January, 2004
Kindly refer to the subject cited above.
- Vide this Department’s letter of even number dated 7-4-2003 all the District Governments, TMAs and UAs were directed to deposit the pensionary contribution in respect of its employees in the light of instructions contained in letter of even number dated 15-3-2003 & No. SO.IV(LG)5-21/81 dated 15-4-1991.
- Despite these instructions, the Department has been receiving references where the retiring employees of (defunct) Zila Councils and Health & Education staff adjusted at District Governments are facing problems on account of slackness of the TMAs in tills regard.
- I am, therefore, again directed to request that the pension contribution etc., may immediately be consolidated and transferred to the respective District Government. The list of such employees along with consolidated figures of pension contribution shall be communicated to the EDO (F&P) concerned under intimation to this Department.
- This exercise be completed on top-priority basis.
No. SO-1V(LG)1-10/2002
Dated Lahore, the 15th March, 2003
With the implementation of the PLG Ordinance, 2001, the administrative functions and financial management of the offices of Local Government and Rural Development Department, Housing, Urban Development and Public Health Engineering Department at the Regional, Zonal, Circle/Divisional, District/Tehsil and lower tiers stand entrusted to the Tehsil Municipal Administrations (TMAs).
To give effect to the provisions of Section 52 read with Sections 53(4) and 183(1) ibid, the civil servants working in the field formations of the aforestated departments, and the employees of the erstwhile Local Councils were transferred and adjusted in the Tehsil Municipal Administrations (TMAs) and Union Administrations (UAs), in the light of this Department’s circular No. SOIV(LG)10-1/2002 dated 20-6-2002.
Meanwhile, the employees of Education and Health sectors of the erstwhile Urban Local Councils were transferred and adjusted in respective District Governments in the light of the policy contained in this department’s letter of even number dated 25-6-2002. With the expiry of transitional phase of devolution, and with effect from July 1st, 2002, the respective Local Governments started paying salaries to such staff as borne on the schedule of their respective establishments.
After the issuance of this Department’s notification of even No. Dated 23-10-2002, inter-alia, establishing a “Pension Local Fund” in District Governments, and proscribing a procedure for regulating the said fund, the issues pertaining to sanction and payments of pension etc., to the employees of defunct Zila Councils / MCLs adjusted in District Governments have been settled. However, the employees of the govt. departments and the erstwhile Local Councils, other than those mentioned above on their adjustment in local governments, have raised questions and expressed concerns regarding the matters pertaining to their pensionary affairs. Such issues have therefore, been engaging the attention of the Government for redressal.
The employees transferred and adjusted in Local Governments fall in the following four categories:
(i) civil servants adjusted in TMAs/UAs, including the Secretaries working in erstwhile union councils, prior to devolution;
(ii) employees of erstwhile urban local councils, including the employees of education and health sectors adjusted in District Governments;
(iii) employees of erstwhile urban local councils and Zila Councils adjusted in the respective successor Local Government (TMAs) and,
(iv) employees of erstwhile urban local councils and Zila Councils adjusted in Union Administrations.
Since the pension of an employee is a valid accrued liability on the funds of the organization, it has been decided that it shall be sanctioned and paid, in the manner, as already prescribed, by the government / successor local government, respectively, for the employees as per the following procedure:
(i) The pension liability of civil servants falling in category mentioned in para 5(i) above shall be borne by the government. The TMA/UA, as the case may be, shall not be required to make pension contribution in this respect. The pension cases of such retiring civil servants shall be processed and finalized by the erstwhile respective departmental authorities, in the prescribed manner, on the basis of the last pay certificate / service statement issued to the pension sanctioning authority by the Tehsil Accounts Officer/Union Nazim, as the case may be. The P.P.O’s shall be issued by the Accountant General, Punjab / District Accounts Officer concerned.
(ii) Pensionary liabilities in respect of the employees falling in category mentioned in para 5(ii) above shall be shared proportionately between the respective successor TMA as per calculations worked out, and PPO issued by District Government in the manner prescribed in this department’s notification of even number dated 23-10-2002.
(iii) The pensionary liabilities of the employees falling in category mentioned in para 5(iii) above shall continue to be discharged out of the respective “Pension Fund” maintained under the West Pakistan Local Council (Pension) Rules, 1964, and this department’s circular No. SO-IV (LG) 5-2/81, dated 15-04-1991.
(iv) The pension contributions in respect of the employees falling in category mentioned in para 5(iv) above shall be made by the union administration to the parent successor local government i.e. District Government or the TMA, as the case may be, in respect of each employee, as prescribed in this department’s circular letter referred to para 6(iii) above.
The pension sanctioning authority in respect of civil servants, and employees of erstwhile Local Councils posted in TMAs/UAs shall remain the same as prescribed for such category of officials prior to their present postings. The sanction for encashment of LPR of civil servants posted in TMAs/UAs shall also be done by the respective authorities as prescribed for such category of officials prior to their present postings.
The grant of sanction of leave of employees posted in TMAs/UAs shall continue to be accorded under the Revised Leave Rules, 1981. The sanction of such leave shall be done by the prescribed respective departmental authorities in the erstwhile manner. Such leave shall, however, be subject to the recommendations of the Tehsil Municipal Officer concerned in case of gazette Officers, and the / Tehsil Officer concerned, and the Nazim of Union Administration, as the case may be, in case of non-gazetted employees.
Dated Lahore, the 23rd October, 2002.
NO. SO-IV(LG) 1-10/2002. In exercise of the powers conferred upon him under Section 197 of the Punjab Local Government Ordinance, 2001 (XIII of 2001), the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to allow the District Governments to discharge the pensionary liabilities of the retired/retiring employees of the erstwhile Zila Councils/Metropolitan Corporation, Lahore out of their existing Pension Fund being maintained as Local Fund w.e.f. July 1, 2002.
Following procedure shall be observed while discharging such pensionary liabilities:
(a) The pensionary liabilities of the retired employees of the erstwhile Local Councils, which now accrue to the respective District Government out of the District Fund w.e.f. July 1, 2002 may continue to be discharged out of the respective “Pension Fund” – being maintained separately as Local Fund.
(b) The monthly payment of pension to such employees shall w.e.f. 01.07.2002 be made by the accounts branch of the office of the Executive District Officer (Finance & Planning) of the respective District Government. The pension vouchers shall be authorized under the signature of Executive District Officer (Finance & Planning)/District Officer (Accounts).
(c) For the purpose of such disbursement the relevant pension record of all pensioners shall immediately be transferred to the office of the Executive District Officer (Finance & Planning) of the District Government by the erstwhile Local Councils to which such retired employees belong.
(d) The pension cases of all employees of the erstwhile Local Council retiring from the District Government shall be sanctioned in the prescribed manner to the Office of the Executive District Officer (Finance & Planning) who shall be the Pension Sanctioning Authority. The pension payment orders shall also be issued under the joint signatures of the District Coordination Officer and the Executive District Officer (Finance & Planning).
(e) For the purpose of verification of service of the retiring employees of the erstwhile Local Councils, the relevant service record may be send to the Office of the Executive District Officer (Finance & Planning). The scrutiny of service record for the purpose of determining the admissibility of pension shall be carried out by the District Officer (Accounts).
The pension contribution in respect of employees of the respective Local Council, shall be sent out of the “District Fund” at the rate prescribed by the Local Government & Rural Development Department. The District Government shall, for this purpose, make budgetary allocations under the relevant object classification.
The Executive District Officer (Finance & Planning) shall issue requisite sanction at the end of each month, and draw the aggregate amount of such contributions from the respective District Accounts Officer/Accountant General, Punjab on the submission of a bill in the prescribed manner. The District Accounts Officer/Accountant General, Punjab shall authorize the sanctioned amount through a pre-audit cheque “Payees Account” for credit to the relevant bank account maintaining the “pension fund”.
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