No.SOR(LG)8-6/2021.- In exercise of the powers conferred under section 310 of the Punjab Local Government Act, 2019 (XIII of 2019), Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following rules with immediate effect.
- Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be cited as the Punjab Local Government (Registration of Births and Deaths) Rules 2021.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
- Definitions.- (1) In the rules, unless the subject or context otherwise requires:
- “Act” means the Punjab Local Government Act, 2019 (XIII of 2019);
- “abandoned child” means a child who is abandoned by parents or by the person having his custody;
- “adopted child” means a child who is not the natural child of the parents but has become their child by legal action;
- “Assistant Director” means the Assistant Director of attached department;
- “attached department” means the Directorate General, Local Government and Community Development Department;
- “certificate” means the computerized certificate of birth or death issued under the rules;
- “charges” means the charges specified under the rules;
- “CNIC” means the Computerized National Identity Card issued by NADRA;
- “department” means the Local Government and Community Development Department, Government of the Punjab;
- “Deputy Director” means Deputy Director of the attached department;
- “Director General” means the head of the attached department;
- “Divisional Director” means Divisional Director of the attached department;
- “Form” means the form appended to the rules;
- “foreigner” means a person who has nationality of any foreign country, except Israel, and who has entered Pakistan lawfully;
- “NADRA” means the National Database and Registration Authority;
- “registration office” means the registration office duly notified by the attached department;
- “relative” means mother, father, brother, sister, paternal or maternal uncle, paternal or maternal aunt, grandparents, spouse, son and daughter;
- “rules” means the Punjab Local Government (Registration of Births and Deaths) Rules 2021; and
- “vaccination card” means a vaccination card duly issued by the government hospital, private hospital or a dispensary.
(2) A word or expression used but not defined in the rules shall have same meaning as assigned to it in the Act.
- Report and registration of birth.- (1) A relative may report the birth of a child to the concerned registration office on Form-A within sixty days of the birth.
- An officer or official of Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department and Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department may report the birth of the child to concerned registration office.
- An officer or official of School Education Department and Special Education Department may report the unregistered birth of the child to the concerned registration office at the time of admission in the school.
- The concerned registration office on receipt of the report under sub- rules (2) or (3) shall require the relative of the child to submit application for registration of birth under sub-rule (1) 1[or rule 4, whichever is applicable].
- The concerned registration office shall verify the information provided under sub-rule (1) 2[or rule 4] for the registration of birth and register the same on Form-A1.
- The concerned registration office shall issue a certificate to the applicant on same day.
- Late registration of birth. – (1) If a birth is reported after sixty days but not later than 3[seven] years to the concerned registration office, the applicant shall, while stating the reasons of delay, make an application on Form-A for registration of birth along with following documents:
- copy of CNIC of the applicant;
- birth slip of the child issued by the hospital (in case of birth in a hospital);
- attested copy of vaccination card indicating the name of the child and his date of birth, if available; and
1 Inserted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.1, pp: 949-952.
2 Inserted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.1, pp: 949-952.
3 Substituted for the word “two” by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.2, pp: 949-952.
- two recent photographs of the child.
- The application shall be submitted either manually or through online system in the concerned registration office.
- The concerned registration official shall, after receiving an application, verify the particulars 4[from the applicant] and submit a report to the concerned head of the local government on same day containing the following note:
‘No record of the intended birth entry exists as per record of the local
- In case of non-registration of birth, the concerned head of the local government, after due inquiry, shall issue an order for registration of late birth.
- The concerned registration official shall, after registration of birth, issue a certificate on the same day.
5[(5a) In case of refusal of registration of birth, an appeal may be filed to the committee constituted under sub-rule (3) or rule 11.”; and]
- In case a birth is reported after 6[seven] years, it shall be registered after court decree.
- Late entry shall be made in red ink in the concerned register.
- Registration of abandoned child. – (1) Any person or the Child Protection Bureau or any Social Welfare Institution or any philanthropist shall report the abandoned child to the concerned registration office.
- The application on Form-A for registration of an abandoned child shall be made along with following documents:
- copy of CNIC of the applicant; and
- two recent photographs of the child.
- The registration office of concerned local government shall issue certificate on the order of Assistant Director within five days.
- Entry shall be made in red ink in the concerned register.
- Registration of child born in jail.- (1) The Jail Superintendent shall facilitate the mother of the child to report the birth of the child within sixty days of birth to the concerned registration office on Form-A, with his covering letter.
- The concerned registration office shall issue a certificate to the applicant on same day.
- Entry shall be made in red ink in the concerned register.
4 Inserted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.2, pp: 949-952.
5 Inserted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.2, pp: 949-952.
6 Substituted for the word “two” by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.2, pp: 949-952.
- Registration of adopted child.- (1) The guardian appointed by the court may submit an application on Form-A for registration of birth along with following documents:
- certified copy of guardianship certificate;
- copy of CNIC of the guardian; and
- two recent photographs of child.
- The application for registration shall be made within thirty days after the issuance of guardianship certificate.
- In case, thirty days have elapsed, then the procedure laid down in rule 4 for registration shall be applicable.
- In the column of remarks in the Form-A1, the name of the court which issued the decree along with date of decision shall be written whereas in the column of parentage the name of real father shall be written.
- The registration office of concerned local government shall issue certificate on the order of Assistant Director within five days.
- Entry shall be made in red ink in the concerned register.
- Registration of child born abroad.- (1) A Pakistani citizen living abroad and intends to register birth of his child in the concerned registration office, he either by himself or through his nominee, shall apply manually or through online system or by post within one hundred and eighty days of the birth.
- The applicant shall submit the Form “S” attested by the Pakistan Embassy or Consulate of the country in which the applicant is residing and shall forward the same to the concerned registration office either manually or through online system or by post.
- The concerned registration office shall verify the information 7[from the applicant] and, if found correct, shall register and issue computerized certificate.
- In case of late entry, the applicant shall apply to the concerned Embassy or Consulate General. The verified Form “S” including report for late entry shall be submitted to the registration office of concerned local government either by applicant or by his nominee.
- In the column of remarks in Form-A, the name, number and date of the letter of the embassy, shall also be written.
- The concerned registration official shall issue a certificate within three days after receiving application of birth registration.
8[(6a) In case a birth is reported after one hundred and eighty days, the applicant shall apply for late registration of birth as per procedure laid down in rule 4.]
7 Inserted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.3, pp: 949-952.
8 Inserted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.3, pp: 949-952.
- Entry shall be made in green ink in the concerned register and Form “S” and complete file of such registration shall be the part of permanent record of the concerned registration office.
- Registration of a child born to a foreigner.- (1) Any foreigner temporarily residing in Pakistan may register birth of his child in the concerned local government within sixty days of the birth by filing the application on Form-A along with the following documents:
- legal proof of his arrival in Pakistan (date and place as per passport);
- certificate of his employment in Pakistan, if applicable;
- certified copy of applicant and spouse’s passport;
- verified birth report issued by the hospital where child is born;
- name, complete address and telephone number of the country of origin; and
- Upon receiving such application, the concerned registration official shall, after verifying the documents, forward the same to the concerned head of the local government within three days.
- The concerned head of local government shall issue order for registration of such child within three days of receipt of application. In case of refusal, he shall inform the applicant in writing giving reasons for such refusal.
9[(3a) The applicant may file an appeal against such order within fifteen days before the committee constituted under sub-rule (3) of rule 11 and the committee shall decide the appeal as per provisions of sub-rules (4), (5), (6) and 7 of rule 11.]
- After receiving orders, the concerned registration official shall issue the birth certificate on the same day.
- The relevant guidelines issued by the Interior Ministry and Foreign Office of Pakistan shall be followed.
- Entry shall be made in red ink in the concerned register.
- Report and registration of death.- (1) A relative of the deceased shall report the death as soon as possible but not later than sixty days.
- The applicant shall submit application on Form-B either manually or through online system at the concerned registration office of the concerned local government along with following documents:
- copies of CNIC of the applicant and the deceased;
- copy of death slip issued by the hospital indicating the cause of death, if death occurred in a hospital; and
- copy of burial slip issued by the graveyard management committee, if available.
9 Inserted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.4, pp: 949-952.
- A widow who has no relative to report the death of her husband within sixty days may report the same to the registration office of the concerned local government within fifteen days after expiry of ‘iddat period’.
- The application for registration of death on Form-B shall be made either manually or through online system in the concerned registration office.
- In case of online application, the applicant may be required to visit the concerned registration office for verification of given information. After verification, the applicant shall sign and mark thumb impression on the form or register.
- The concerned registration office shall issue a certificate to the applicant.
- Late registration of death.– (1) If a death is reported after sixty days but not later than two years to the concerned registration office, the relative shall, while stating the reasons of delay, make an application on Form-B for registration of death along with following documents:
- affidavit by a relative on stamp paper of one hundred rupees witnessed by two persons present at time of burial;
- copies of CNIC or birth certificate of deceased and the relative; and
- copy of death slip issued by the hospital indicating the cause of death, if death occurred in a hospital; and
- copy of burial slip issued by graveyard management, if available;
- On receipt of application for late registration, the application shall be forwarded to Deputy Director within three days for inquiry and necessary action.
- The permission for late registration of death shall be granted by the following Committee after complete scrutiny or verification:
1 | Deputy Director | Convener |
2 | Assistant Director of concerned Tehsil | Member / Secretary |
3 | official of the concerned registration office | Member |
4 | representative of NADRA | Member |
- The committee shall examine the application in detail and order to publish a notice in a daily national newspaper to call for objections within ten days and if satisfied accord approval for late registration.
- The expenses of advertisement shall be borne by the applicant.
- The committee shall inform the applicant about its decision within thirty days of receipt of application. A copy shall be forwarded to head of the concerned local government and office of Director.
- The head of the concerned local government shall forward the permission of such late registration to the registration office within two days after
receipt of permission. The concerned registration official shall register and issue certificate immediately after receiving the permission.
- In case a death is reported after two years, it shall be registered after court decree.
- Entry shall be made in red ink in the concerned register.
- Registration of death of a known person whose dead body is not found.-
(1) If the particulars of the deceased are known but his dead body is not found, registration of his death shall be made on Form-B 10[by the] relative of deceased after registration of Police report and on the order of court.
- The registration shall be made within thirty days after the order of court and a certificate shall be issued accordingly.
11[(3) **************]
(4) Entry shall be made in red ink in the concerned register.
- Registration of death of Pakistani living abroad.- (1) A Pakistani citizen, dies abroad and if his relative intends to register the death in the concerned registration office, the relative may report on Form-B either manually or through online system.
- The registration of death occurring abroad shall be made in the concerned registration office of the concerned local government within one hundred and eighty days.
- The relative of the deceased shall provide particulars of the deceased along with the death certificate issued by the hospital attested by the Pakistan Embassy or Consulate and attested copy of CNIC of the deceased and relative, in the concerned registration office.
- The concerned registration official shall forward the application to the Deputy Director who shall make an order after verification. The concerned registration official shall issue death certificate within three days after issuance of the order by the Deputy Director.
- In case of non-registration of death within one hundred and eighty days, the applicant shall apply for late registration as per procedure provided under rule 11. The following additional documents shall be provided along with the application:
- affidavit on stamp paper of one hundred rupees witnessed by two persons;
- copies of CNIC, passport and visa; and
- any other document.
- After receiving application, the committee constituted under sub-rule
- of rule 11 shall conduct inquiry for registration of death in accordance with the
10 Substituted for the word “of” by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.5, pp: 949-952.
11 Omitted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.5, pp: 949-952.
procedure provided for late registration. The Deputy Director shall issue order for registration for such death to the concerned registration office.
- Entry shall be made in red ink in the concerned register.
- Registration of death of abandoned or un-claimed dead body.- (1) Registration of the abandoned or un-claimed dead body shall be made after police report and the order of Deputy Director.
- The following documents shall be provided along with the application:
- copy of Police report;
- certificate issued by the Police declaring the dead body as abandoned or un-claimed;
- four photographs of the dead body from different angles; and
- copy of autopsy or postmortem report, if available.
- In the column of remarks on Form-B1, the word ‘abandoned or un- claimed’ shall be written against the reason for leaving the column of the name of the deceased, parentage and address as blank.
- In case, CNIC of the deceased is found, the columns of the name, parentage and address shall be filled in as per details.
- No certificate shall be issued for registration of abandoned or un- claimed dead body unless the relative submits application for the same.
- The relatives shall apply for certificate as per procedure provided under sub-rule (1) of rule 11.
- Entry shall be made in red ink in the concerned register.
- Correction of clerical error in birth or death certificate.– (1) In case of clerical error in birth certificate, the person on his own or his relative may submit application on plain paper to concerned registration office for correction.
- In case of clerical error in death certificate, the relative may submit application on plain paper to the concerned registration office for correction.
- The concerned head of the local government shall forward the application received under sub-rule (1) or (2) to Assistant Director for inquiry.
- The Assistant Director shall cause a notice to be published in a daily national newspaper inviting objections within fifteen days.
- The expenses of advertisement shall be borne by the applicant.
- The notice shall also be affixed on the notice board of the concerned registration office.
- If no objection is received within specified time, the Assistant Director shall, if satisfied, order for correction and issuance of certificate.
12[(7a) The error made by the concerned registration office shall be corrected after inquiry by the Assistant Director without any charges.]
- In case, any objection is received, the Assistant Director shall decide the matter after hearing the relative and person making objection.
- Change in birth and death certificate.- Any change other than clerical error in birth and death certificate shall be made after court decree and certificate shall be issued accordingly.
- Cancellation of bogus certificate of birth or death.- (1) The Deputy Director, Assistant Director, or head of the concerned local government shall, on his own or upon receiving application regarding the issuance of fake or bogus birth or death certificates, order to take notice of such action to the concerned registration office. If any bogus or fake 13[birth or] death entry is found, the committee constituted under sub-rule (3) of rule 11 shall conduct inquiry.
- If the registration is found bogus or fake, the committee shall issue direction for its cancellation within twenty-one days.
- A copy of the decision shall be forwarded to the concerned head of the local government and Divisional Director.
- A copy of the decision shall be forwarded to District Officer NADRA, in case an appeal is not filed under sub-rule (5).
- An appeal may be filed against such decision within fifteen days to the following committee:
1 | Divisional Director | Convener |
2 | Assistant Director of divisional head quarter | Member / Secretary |
3 | representative of NADRA | Member |
- The appeal filed under sub-rule (5) shall be decided within thirty days.
- After hearing the appeal, the committee shall inform the applicant, the concerned local government and concerned Deputy Director about its decision and shall forward a copy for information to the Director General and District Officer of NADRA.
- Proceedings under relevant laws and rules shall be initiated against the concerned registration officer or official and the applicant of the said registration.
- The entry of such cancellation 14[shall] only be made by the Assistant Director of the concerned Tehsil subject to decision of the appeal.
12 Inserted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.6, pp: 949-952.
13 Inserted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.7, pp: 949-952.
14 Substituted for the word “may” by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.7, pp: 949-952.
- Issuance of duplicate certificate.- (1) A person on his own or his relative, may submit the application along with attested copy of CNIC and receipt of payment of specified charges, for issuance of duplicate certificate of registration of birth.
- A relative 15[or any other person] may submit the application along with attested copy of CNIC and receipt of payment of specified charges, for issuance of duplicate certificate of registration of death.
- The concerned registration office, on receipt of charges, shall issue the duplicate certificate on the same day.
- The concerned registration office shall enter record of issuance of duplicate certificate on Form-E.
- Charges.- 16[(1) The detail of charges is as follows:
Sr. No. | Description | Amount (Rupees) |
(i) | Certificate or Duplicate Certificate | 200 |
(ii) | Late registration of birth (after sixty days to a maximum period of seven years) | 200 |
(iii) | Late registration of birth (after seven years) | 300 |
(iv) | Registration of birth of a foreigner | 2000 |
(v) | Registration of Pakistani citizen (birth abroad) | 1000 |
(vii) | Late registration of death | 5000 |
(viii) | Correction or change | 500”;and] |
- No charges shall be charged for registration of birth or death within sixty days.
- No charges for late registration shall be received in case of registration of birth of abandoned and child born in jail.
- No charges for late registration of death shall be received in case of registration of death of abandoned or unclaimed dead body.
- Charges received under the rules shall 17[become part of receipts] be considered as income of the concerned local government.
- General.- (1) NADRA shall issue Form-B on submission of birth slip issued by the concerned local government.
- All registration offices shall maintain separate registers of birth and death and maintain the record.
15 Inserted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.8, pp: 949-952.
16 Substituted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.9, pp: 949-952.
17 Inserted by the Notification No.SOR(LG)3-6/2021, dated: 1.9.2021, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated: 3.9.2021, r.9, pp: 949-952.
- Monthly report of registration of birth and death shall be prepared on
- Repeal.- All previous bye-laws or guidelines issued for birth or death registration are hereby repealed.