Dated Lahore, the February 2017
No.SOR(LG)38-17/2016. In exercise of the powers conferred under section 144 of the Punjab Local Government Act 2013 (XVIII of 2013) and after previous publication, Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following rules:
1. Short title and commencement:- (1)These rules may be called the Punjab Local Governments (Fee for Licensing of Professions and Vocations) Rules, 2017.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of commencement of term of the local government under section 30 of the Punjab Local Government Act, 2013.
2. Definitions:- (1) In these rules, unless the subject or context otherwise requires:
- “Act” means the Punjab Local Government Act, 2013 (XVIII of 2013);
- “House” means an elected body of a local government as defined under section 2(v) of the Act except an Authority; and
- “Professions and Vocations” include trades for which licence is required under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2013.
(2) All other words and expressions used herein but not defined shall have the same meanings as are assigned to them under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2013.
3. Power to issue licenses or permits:- (1) A local government shall levy fee for licensing of the following professions and vocations:
- butchers of mutton and beef;
- vendors of poultry, game or fish;
- persons keeping milch cattle or milch goats for profit
- persons keeping any animal for profit other than milch cattle or milch goats;
- dairymen, buttermen and makers and vendors of ghee;
- vendors of fruit or vegetables;
- washermen, Drycleaner;
- makers and vendors of sweetmeats;
- vendors of wheat, rice and other grains or flour; and
- barbers and keepers of shaving saloons.
(2) A District Council, Metropolitan Corporation, Municipal Corporation and Municipal Committee shall levy fee for licensing of the following professions and vocations:
- manufacturers of ice or ice-cream and vendors of the same;
- vendors of articles of food or drink for human consumption (other than milk, butter, bread, biscuits, cake, fruit, vegetables, aerated or other potable water or ice or ice-cream) which are of a perishable nature;
- vendors of water to be used for drinking purposes;
- persons carrying on any trade or occupation from which offensive or unwholesome smells arise;
- The business of storing or selling timber, firewood, coal, charcoal and coke, hay straw grass and bamboo, jute, shrub, hemp munj and their products, matches, explosives, petrol, oil and lubricants, paper, ghee and other dangerously inflammable materials.
- Sugar refining and sugar refineries.
- Preparation of aerated water.
- Operating or running bake houses.
- Electroplating.
- Welding.
- Storing, packing, pressing, cleaning, preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever blasting powder, ammunition, fireworks, gun powder, sulpher, mercury, gases, gun cotton, saltpeter, nitro-compounds, nitro-mixtures, phosphercus or dynamite.
- Cleaning, dying, preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever clothes or yarn in indigo and other colours.
- Storing, processing, cleanings, crushing, melting, preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever or dealing in bones, tallow, offal, fat blood, soap, raw hides and skins candles, manure, catgut and oil cloth.
- Manufacturing oils.
- Washing or drying wool or hair.
- Making or manufacturing bricks, ‘surkhi’, tiles, or earthenware pots clay pipes or other earthenware by any process of baking or burning.
- Burning or grinding of limestone or metal stone or storing of lime for sale.
- Cleaning or grinding of grain or chilies by any kind or class or machinery.
- Keeping animals likely to create nuisance.
- Fell mongering.
- Casting of heavy metals such as iron, lead copper and brass.
- Dealing in poison, acid, chemicals, liquid or otherwise.
- Whole-sale storing cleaning pounding and selling of tobacco except the storing of tobacco required for the preparation of biddis, cigars or cigarettes.
- Operating or running tin factories.
- Manufacture of safes, trunks and boxes.
- Marble cutting and polishing.
- Glass leveling and polishing.
- Manufacture of cement and hume pipes.
- Storing, packing, pressing, cleaning, preparing or manufacturing by any process whatever, rags, pitch, tar, turpentine, demmar, coconut, fibre, flax, hemp, rosin or spirit.
- Tanning, pressing or packing hides or skins whether raw or dry.
- Trade or operation of a Ferries.
- Working of power-looms, rice husking plants, steam whistle, steam trumpet or electric or hand operated sirens beyond hours fixed for their operation by a Local government.
- Discharging fire-arms and letting off fire-works. Fire-balloons or detonators, or any game dangerous to life, dwelling and other property.
- Trading, storing and selling used or new tyres likely to cause dengue epidemic.
- Manufacturing, keeping, storing or selling wire thread or any other material meant for kite flying or likely to cause to human life or electric installations or disruption of electric supply.
- Any other article or trade declared by Government to be dangerous for life, health or property or likely to cause nuisance.
4. Prohibition.- (1) No person shall carry on the professions and vocations mentioned in rule 3 without having license from the Local government.
(2) Any person who was, on the date of notification of these rules carrying on the trade in any area of a Local government shall within three months apply for a license for carrying on the trade under these rules.
(3) Carrying on the trade mentioned in rule 3 without license from Local government shall be an offence under the Act.
5. Fee for license.- A Local government may charge fee for the license granted by it. The fee shall be levied by the Local government, after approval by the House as per procedure laid down in the Punjab Local Governments (Taxation) Rules, 2016.
6. Procedure and general conditions to grant license.- The Local government shall immediately specify the procedure and general conditions for granting license through bye-laws.
7. Cancelation of License.– (1) The Local government may cancel the license in case of violation of any provision of the bye-laws by the licensee.
(2) No license shall be cancelled without providing an opportunity of hearing to the licensee.
(3) The Local government may reject any application for grant of license or renewal in the public interest.
8. Repeal.– The Punjab Local Governments (Fee for licensing and permits and licensing of professions and vocations) Rules, 2002 are hereby repealed.