February 07, 2017
No.SOR(LG)38-02/2016.-In exercise of powers conferred under section 144 of the Punjab Local government Act 2013 (XVIII of 2013) and after previous publication, Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following rules:
1. Short title, commencement and application.- (1) These rules may be cited as Punjab Local Governments (Conduct of Business) Rules 2017.
(2) They rules shall come at once.
(3) They shall apply to the Metropolitan Corporation, Municipal Corporations, Municipal Committees and District Councils.
2. Definitions.- (1) In these rules:
(a) “Act” means the Punjab Local Government Act 2013 (XVIII of 2013);
(b) “case” means a particular matter under consideration along with all the papers relating to it or are necessary for disposal of the matter and includes the relevant correspondence, office notes and previous papers, if any;
(c) “Chief Officer” means the Chief Officer of the Metropolitan Corporation, a Municipal Corporation, Municipal Committee or, as the case may be, District Council;
(d) “Government” means Government of the Punjab;
(e) “House” means the elected body of the local government;
(f) “local government”, for purposes of these rules, means the
Metropolitan Corporation, a Municipal Corporation, a Municipal Corporation, a Municipal Committee or a District Council but does not include a district Education Authority, District Health Authority and a Union Council;
(g) “municipal offices” means the municipal offices of the local government, including planning, finance, regulation, infrastructure, services and district offices of a district council and includes any other office which the Government may, by notification, determine;
(i) “Schedule” means a Schedule appended to these rules.
(2) An expression used but not defined in the rules shall have the same meaning as is assigned to it under the Act.
4. Executive authority and conduct of business.- (1)The Mayor or the Chairman shall exercise the executive authority of the local government.
(2) All executive actions of the local government shall be expressed to be taken in the name of the local government.
(3) The Mayor or Chairman shall:
(a) provide vision for long term development and leadership;
(b) give directions for efficient functioning and fruitful service delivery by the local government;
(c) identify and develop the criteria for the implementation of the strategies, programmes and services;
(d) prescribe the key performance indicators;
(e) sign the notifications on behalf of the local government publication in the Punjab Gazette; and
(f) maintain administrative and financial discipline of the local government
(4) Subject to the provisions of the Act and the rules, every order, instrument, agreement or contract by the local government shall be expressed to be made in the name of the local government and shall be executed by the Mayor, Chairman or an officer duly authorized for the purpose.
5. Allocation of business.- (1) The business of the local government shall be executed by the municipal offices in the manner specified in Schedule-I, Schedule-II and Schedule-III.
(2) The municipal offices shall ensure expeditious disposal of the business.
6. Organization of municipal offices.- (1) Each municipal office shall consist of such municipal employees as the Government may determine.
(2) The Chief Officer, in consultation of the Mayor or Chairman, may assign any business of functions, not mentioned in the Schedules, to any municipal office.
(3) The Chief Officer shall supervise the work assigned to the offices, sub-offices and branches under his control.
(4) In the absence of the Chief Officer for any reasons, the Mayor or
Chairman may assign the charge of the post of the Chief Officer to one of the municipal officers of the local government.
(5) On transfer of the Chief Officer, a reference shall immediately be sent to the Government for posting of the Chief Officer.
(6) In the absence of a municipal officer, the Mayor or Chairman may, in consultation with the Chief Officer, assign additional charge of such office to any other municipal officer of the local government.
(a) For purposes of this rule, the absence of the Chief Officer or municipal officers means the absence of the officer owing to illness or otherwise for more than ten days, or the relinquishment of the charge of the post on transfer.
(b) While assigning the additional charge of the post of a municipal officer to another municipal officer, the peculiar requirements of that post shall be the relevant consideration.
7. General procedure for disposal of business.- (1)The Chief Officer, with the approval of the Mayor or Chairman, shall issue instructions as to the manner of disposal of the business of the local government.
(2) If any doubt arises as to the jurisdiction of the municipal office for disposal of a case, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Officer who, with the approval of the Mayor or Chairman, may refer the case to the Government and the orders of the Government shall be final.
(3) All orders shall be made in writing but in case of a verbal order, the employee receiving the order shall immediately reduce it in writing and shall forward it, through proper channel, to the authority making such order for confirmation.
(4) If any order contravenes any law, rules or policy decision of the Government, it shall be the duty of the officer receiving the orders to point out such contravention to the officer making the order and, that officer may refer the case to the Mayor or the Chairman for appropriate orders.
8. Manner of submission of cases.- (1) The municipal officer concerned shall ensure that all relevant papers, references and extracts of the laws and rules are submitted along with the case to the Chief Officer for quick disposal and in his office note, municipal officer shall certify the same.
(2) All files and record shall be kept and maintained by the municipal office concerned.
(3) Any employee who notes any tampering of record by the employees or any other person shall report the matter to the chief Officer for appropriate orders.
(4) No page of the file, including that of the office note, shall be removed.
(5) All office notes shall be recorded in temperate tone and language and shall not contain any personal remarks.
(6) Proper decorum shall be observed and respectful language shall be used on commenting on the office notes recorded in official correspondence.
9. Fresh receipts.- (1) All fresh receipts or cases shall be promptly processed.
(2) No case shall be kept pending for more than three days.
(3) If the processing of a case requires more time, a request for extension of the time may be made to the next senior officer.
(4) A report of the pending cases in an office shall be prepared at the end of every month and submitted to the Chief Officer along with the reasons for delay, if any, in the disposal of cases.
10. Consultation.- (1)When a case is referred by one office to another office for consultation, all relevant facts and the points necessitated for disposal of the reference shall be spelled out on the file.
(2) In case of difference of opinion amongst the offices, the municipal officer concerned shall refer the case to the Executive Committee constituted under rule 12 of the rules.
(3) No case shall be submitted to the Mayor or Chairman and no orders shall be issued until it has been considered by all the concerned offices but, in case of urgency, the Mayor or Chairman may dispense with the requirement and the decision taken in that case shall be conveyed to the concerned offices at the earliest opportunity.
(4) A municipal officer may, with the permission of the Chief Officer, refer a case to another office for advice or early disposal.
(5) In case a municipal officer has submitted a case directly to Mayor or Chairman for any cogent reasons to be recorded in writing, the Mayor or Chairman shall return the case after decision, if any, through the Chief Officer.
(6) If the Chief Officer is of the view that the proposal of the municipal officer or the decision of the Mayor or Chairman is against any law or rules or the policy of the Government, he shall refer the case to the Government for decision.
(7) The Chief Officer may call for any case from the concerned municipal office and the concerned municipal officer shall immediately submit the case to the Chief Officer.
11. Consultation with Municipal Office Finance.- No municipal office shall, without previous consultation with the municipal Finance office, authorize any order which, in particular, involves:
(i) relinquishment, remission or assignment of revenue relating to local funds, actual or potential, or furnish a guarantee against it, or grant of all king of leases and contracts;
(ii) expenditure for which no provision exist;
(iii) levy, remission or abolition of any tax and fee;
(iv) re-appropriations within the budgetary grants;
(v) supplementary grant;
(vi) schedule of expenditure; and
(vii) interpretation of bye-laws relating to the Finance office.
12. Executive Committee.- (1) There shall be an executive committee in each local government consisting of Chief Officer as its Convener and all other municipal officers as its members and in the case of a District Council, district officers as its members, to deal with matters.
- concerning two or more offices;
- of administrative, financial or public policy;
- relating to coordination among the offices of the local government or of common interest;
- Relating to advice in any case referred to Committees by the House or the Mayor or Chairman.
(2) The Chief Officer, desirous of raising any matter before the Executive Committee, shall, with the approval of the Chief Officer, forward five copies of the working paper for discussion and decision.
(3) A Municipal Officer, desirous of raising any matter before the Executive Committee, shall, with the approval of the Chief Officer, forward five copies of the working paper for discussion and decision.
(4) The Chief Officer shall issue notices of the meeting together with the agenda well before the meeting provided that urgent items may be considered at short notice.
(5) The minutes of every meeting shall be recorded by an officer nominated by the Chief Officer.
(6) The minutes shall be circulated after approval by the Chief Officer and a copy of the minutes shall be sent to the Mayor or Chairman.
(7) In case of difference of opinion on any issue amongst the members of the executive committee, the Chief Officer may, with his comments, submit the case to the Mayor or Chairman for appropriate decision.
13. Orders of the Mayor or Chairman in certain case.- (1) No order shall be issued without prior approval in writing of the Mayor or Chairman:
(a) in a case involving important policy matters or departure from the policy; and
(b) a case specified in Schedule-IV.
Explanation: Departure from policy includes departure from a previous decision of the Mayor or Chairman.
(2) The Mayor or Chairman may require any case to be submitted to him for information.
14. Official information.- The Chief Officer, with the approval of the Mayor or Chairman, shall issue detailed instruction for the treatment and custody of official documents, computer data and information of confidential character in line with Government policy.
15. Bye-laws.- (1) The bye-laws made by local government shall come into force on and from the date the bye-laws are published in the Punjab Gazette.
(2) The bye-laws shall also be published on the website of the local government and on any other website specified by the Government.
16. Schedule of Establishment.- The Government shall approve the schedule of establishment of the local government in the prescribed manner.
17. Postings and transfers.- (1) The authorities for posting and transfer of employees of the local government, other than Chief officer and Municipal officers, shall be as under:
Local Government | Category of Employees | Authority |
Metropolitan Corporation/Municipal Corporation | BS-18 and above | Mayor |
BS-09 to BS- 17 | Chief Officer | |
Bs-01 to BS-07 | Municipal Officer concerned | |
Municipal Committee (District HQ) | BS-17 and above | Chairman |
BS-09 to BS-16 | Chief Officer | |
BS-01 to BS-07 | Municipal Officer concerned | |
Municipal | BS-16 and above | Chairman |
Committee (Other than District HQ) | BS-15 and below | Chief Officer |
District Council | BS-17 and above | Chairman |
BS-09 to BS-16 | Chief Officer | |
BS-01 to BS-07 | Municipal Officer concerned |
(2) The transfer and posting of a Chief Officer or a municipal officer shall be made by the Government.
(3) The Mayor or Chairman may, by order writing, fate the powers vesting in him under this rule to Chief Officer, to the extent and subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified in the order and may, in like manner, alter, modify or withdraw such delegated powers.
18. Performance Evaluation.- The Annual Performance Evaluation Reports of the employees of the local government shall be written in such form and by such officers as the Government may determine.
19. Service record.- The Human Resource Management Branch of the local government shall be responsible to maintain the service record and performance evaluation reports of all the employees of the local government.
20. Appointments and promotion.- Appointments and promotions of the employees of the local government shall be proceed and made in accordance with the rules.
21. Disciplinary action.- Disciplinary action against the employees of the local government shall be processed and taken in accordance with the relevant law or rules.
22. Conflict of interest.- (1)No employees shall deal with a case relating to his conduct, promotion, transfer, pay and allowances.
(2) No authority shall accord sanction for any payment, directly or indirectly, to its own advantage including sanction of claims pertaining to travelling allowance, reimbursement of medical charges, honorarium, arrears of pay and other similar matters.
23. Financial powers.- (1) The authority mentioned in the second column of the Table below shall exercise the financial powers of the category of officer indicated against each in accordance with Second Schedule, Part-I (Powers Common to all Departments) in the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 2016 of the Government of Punjab:
Authority | Category of Officer |
Mayor or Chairman | Full powers |
Chief Officer | Category I Officer |
Municipal Officer | Category II Officer |
District Officer | Category II Officer |
(2) The powers to accord sanction for payment shall be exercised subject to the provisions of the Act or rules or policy instructions of the Government and the availability of appropriation under the relevant Detailed Object.
(3) The powers for sanction shall be ante factum or prospective dispensation and shall not operate as ex post facto sanction.
(4) A case for ex post facto sanction shall be referred, with full justification, to the Government for appropriate orders.
24. Financial loss.- (1) In case of any financial loss, duly verified by the audit authority, the concerned Mayor or Chairman or employee of the local government shall reimburse the amount of loss within such times as the Government may, by order, determine.
(2) If a situation requires the exercise of delegated authority by a senior officer, he shall record the reasons for exercising such authority and submit the case to the Mayor or Chairman for information.
26. Maintenance of record.- The Chief Officer shall organize a central record room where the record of permanent nature shall be retained and computerized.
27. Weeding out of the record.- (1) The record of the local government shall scrutinized and weeded out ban an officer deputed for the purpose by the Chief Officer.
(2) The instructions of the Government for weeding out records and classification of files shall be applicable to the record of the local government.
(3) A copy of the performance reports shall be sent to the Punjab Local Government Commission.
28. Inspection.- (1) The Mayor or Chairman shall, in each quarter, inspect the working of municipal offices in the local government with special focus on the following areas:
- Status of service delivery against the key performance indicators
- Execution of the Annual Development Plan;
- Enforcement of municipal offences;
- Adherence to the law, rules, bye-laws, standing instructions, orders and directives;
- recovery of own source revenue and overall financial position of the local government;
- recovery of revenue in arrears;
- Office management, discipline and overall functioning of the local government;
- Maintenance and management of immovable and movable property of the local government;
- Contract management;
- Expeditious disposal of public complaints; and
- Such other areas as the Mayor or Chairman may determine.
(2) The Chief Officer shall assist the Mayor or Chairman in conduction the inspection.
(3) The Mayor or the Chairman shall send his observations to the municipal officers, through the Chief Officer, for taking appropriate measures to address the observations.
(4) The concerned officer, through the Chief Officer, shall inform the Mayor or the chairman of the action taken on his observations.
29. Inspection by Punjab Local Government Commission.- (1) The Mayor or chairman shall provide all necessary support to the inspection teams deputed by the Punjab Local Government commission for purposes of annual and special inspection of the local government.
(2) The employees of the local government shall provide all necessary assistance and relevant documents to the Commission promptly under intimation to the Mayor or Chairman.
30. Reference to Punjab Local Government commission.- (1) The Chief Officer shall inform the Mayor or Chairman, if he is of opinion that a situation of conflict of interest has arisen or any order passed by Mayor or Chairman or any resolution passed by the House contravenes any provisions of any law, rules or policy of the Government.
(3) the outgoing Chief Officer, who initiated the proceedings mentioned in sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2) shall inform, in writing, his successor.
31. Approach to public representatives in service matters.- No employee shall bring or attempt to bring any outside influence, directly or indirectly, to bear on the Mayor or Chairman or an employee of the local government, in respect of any matter relating to the appointment, promotion, transfer, punishment or any other service matter.
32. Performance Report.- (1) The Mayor or Chairman shall present a report on the performance of the local government to the House at least twice a year.
33. Dissemination of information.- A local government shall launch its own website to facilitate public disclosure and access to information relating to service delivery.
(2) A local government shall, on quarterly basis, publish on its website or at prominent place, information about the staffing and the performance of the offices of the local government during the preceding three months.
34. Compliant Cell.- A local government shall set up a computerized compliant cell for efficient tracking and resolution of grievances of residents within the ambit of its responsibilities under the Act and the rules.
35. Capacity building.- A local government shall arrange periodical training for its functionaries in collaboration with the training institutions of the Government.
36. Channel of correspondence.- Any correspondence with any other local government, the government and its Departments shall be made by the Mayor or chairman or by the Chief Officer with the approval of the Mayor or Chairman.
37. Repeal.- The Punjab District Governments Rules of Business, 2001 and the Punjab Tehsil/Town Municipal Administration Rules of Business, 2002 are hereby repealed.
[The administrative department may kindly add an accurate and authentic copy of the Schedules.]
Government of the Punjab
Local Government and Community
Development Department
Schedule I
(See Rule 5)
Distribution of Functions among offices of Metropolitan Corporation and Municipal Corporation
Municipal Office | Allocated Business |
Chief Officer | Coordination and supervision of all municipal offices; Human Resource Management and general administration Internal audit; Public relations; Legal affairs; Ensure implementation of environmental and social safeguards; Procurements; Contract management; Take action against violators of the Act, Rules or Byelaws;Assist the relevant authorities in provision of relief in the event of any fire, flood, hailstorm, earthquake, epidemic or other natural calamity with the support of Municipal Office;Organize sports including sports for persons with disability and celebration of national occasions; andAny other functions assigned by the Government |
Planning | Spatial planning, master planning, zoning, land use planning including classification and reclassification of land, urban design, urban renewal ecological balances; Exercise control over land-use, land- subdivision, land development, site development scheme and zoning by public and private sectors for any purpose; Regulate and control erection and re-erection of buildings; Adopt measures against dangerous buildings; GIS based municipal service map; Prepare and implement schemes for protection of environment Enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated functions; and Any other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government. |
Finance | Prepare annual and revised budget; Management and control of Local Fund; Maintenance of Departmental Accounts; Reconcile monthly and annual accounts of receipts and expenditure Display the reconciled accounts of receipts and expenditure at a conspicuous place for information of general public Liaison with audit authorities and preparation of annotation of audit paras; Place the reconciled annual accounts of receipts and expenditures with audit and public comments before the House of the local government; Propose taxes, fees, rates tools, charges etc. Recovery of approved taxes, fees, rates, tolls, charges etc.Computerized Financial ManagementEnforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated function; andAny other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government |
Municipal Regulation | Prevention and removal of encroachments; Regulate dangerous and offensive articles and trades provided in Second Schedule of the Act; Regulate markets and services and issue licenses, permits, grant permissions and impose penalties for violation thereof as and where applicable; Organize and regulate cultural & recreational events, fairs & shows; Manage properties and assets of the local government; Regulate and maintain parking places; Regulate and maintain parking places; Regulate affixing of sign-boards and advertisements except where this function is being performed by the Parks and Horticulture Authority; Enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated function;Recovery of rent; andAny other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government. |
Municipal Infrastructure | 1. Provide manage, operate, maintain and improve the municipal infrastructure including:- Water supply and control and development of water sources Sewage and sewage treatment and disposal; (iii) storm water drainage; (iv) establish landfill site and recycling plants; (v) roads and streets; (vi) traffic planning, engineering and management including traffic signaling systems, signs on roads, street markings; (vii) street Lighting; (viii) graveyards; and (ix) public open spaces, public gardens, playgrounds and arboriculture other than maintained by Parks & Horticulture Authority. 2. Develop parking places, transport stations, stops, stands and terminals; 3. Enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated functions; and 4. Any other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government. |
Municipal Services | Sanitation and solid waste collection and sanitary disposal of solid, liquid, industrial and hospital wastes, treatment and disposal including landfill site and recycling plants; Management of passenger and transport freight and transit stations; Firefighting; Safety on children’s play areas and prevention of accidents; Management of graveyards; Management of public open spaces, public gardens, play grounds and arboriculture other than provided and maintain by Parks and Horticulture Authority; Management of slaughter houses; Converse historical and cultural assets; Management of libraries and reading rooms;Enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated functions; andAny other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government. |
Schedule II
(See Rule 5)
Distribution of Functions among offices of Municipal Committees
Municipal Office | Allocated Business |
Chief Officer | Coordination and supervision of all municipal offices; Human Resource Management and general administration Public relations; Legal affairs; Ensure implementation of environmental and social safeguards; Procurements; Contract management; Take action against violators of the Act, Rules or Byelaws; Organize sports including sports for persons with disability and celebration of national occasions; andAssist the relevant authorities in provision of relief in the event of any fire, flood, hailstorm, earthquake, epidemic or other natural calamity with the support of Municipal Offices; andAny other functions assigned by the Government |
Planning | Spatial planning, master planning, zoning, land use planning including classification and reclassification of land, urban design, urban renewal ecological balances; Exercise control over land-use, land- subdivision, land development, site development scheme and zoning by public and private sectors for any purpose; Regulate and control erection and re-erection of buildings; Adopt measures against dangerous buildings; GIS based municipal service map; Develop and manage schemes including site development; Enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated functions; and 8. Any other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government. |
Finance | Prepare annual and revised budget; Management and control of Local Fund; Maintenance of Departmental Accounts; Propose taxes, fees, rates, tolls, charges etc; Recovery of approved taxes, fees, rates, tolls, charges etc; Reconcile monthly and annual accounts of receipts and expenditures; Display the reconciled accounts of receipts and expenditures at a conspicuous place for information of general public; Place the reconciled annual accounts of receipts and expenditures with audit and public comments before the House of the local government; Liaison with audit authorities and preparation of annotation of audit paras;Enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated function; and Any other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government |
Municipal Regulation | Prevention and removal of encroachments; Regulate dangerous and offensive articles and trades provided in Second Schedule of the Act; Regulate markets and services and issue licenses, permits, grant permissions and impose penalties for violation thereof as and where applicable; Organize and regulate cultural & recreational events, fairs & shows; Manage properties and assets of the local government; Regulate keeping the animals and measures for eradication of stray dogs; Regulate and maintain parking places; Regulate affixing of sign-boards and advertisements except where this function is being performed by the Parks and Horticulture Authority; Arrange registration of births, deaths, marriages and divorces and pass on such information about births, deaths, marriages and divorces in its territorial jurisdiction to such persons and institutions as may be prescribed;Enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated function; 11. Any other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government. |
Municipal Infrastructure | 1. Provide manage, operate, maintain and improve the municipal infrastructure including:- Water supply and control and development of water sources Sewage and sewage treatment and disposal; (iii) storm water drainage; (iv) establish landfill site and recycling plants; (v) roads and streets; (vi) traffic planning, engineering and management including traffic signaling systems, signs on roads, street markings; (vii) street Lighting; (viii) graveyards; and (ix) public open spaces, public gardens, playgrounds and arboriculture other than maintained by Parks & Horticulture Authority. 2. Develop parking places, transport stations, stops, stands and terminals; 3. Enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated functions; and 4. Any other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government. |
Municipal Services | Sanitation and solid waste collection and sanitary disposal of solid, liquid, industrial and hospital wastes, treatment and disposal including landfill site and recycling plants; Management of passenger and transport freight and transit stations; Firefighting; Safety on children’s play areas and prevention of accidents; Management of graveyards; Management of public open spaces, public gardens, play grounds and arboriculture other than provided and maintain by Parks and Horticulture Authority; Management of slaughter houses; Conserve historical and cultural assets; Management of libraries and reading rooms;Enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated functions; and 11. Any other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government. |
Note: In case where there is no municipal services office, the functions of that office will be performed by the Municipal Infrastructure Office.
Schedule III
(See Rule 5)
Distribution of Functions among offices of District Council
Municipal Office | Allocated Business |
Chief Officer | Coordination and supervision of all municipal offices; Human Resource Management and general administration Public relations; Legal affairs; Ensure implementation of environmental and social safeguards; Procurements; Contract management; Take action against violators of the Act, Rules or Byelaws; Promotion of sports, public games including sports for persons with disabilities and celebration of national occasions;Assist the relevant authorities in provision of relief in the event of any fire, flood, hailstorm, earthquake, epidemic or other natural calamity with the support of Municipal Offices; and 11. Any other functions assigned by the Government |
Planning | Spatial planning, master planning, zoning, land use planning including classification and reclassification of land, urban design, urban renewal ecological balances; Regulate and control erection and re-erection of buildings; Adopt measures against dangerous buildings; Develop and manage schemes including site development; Enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated functions; and 6. Any other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government. |
Finance | Prepare annual and revised budget; Management and control of Local Fund; Maintenance of Accounts; Reconcile monthly and annual accounts of receipts and expenditures; Display the reconciled accounts of receipts and expenditures at a conspicuous place for information of general public Place the reconciled annual accounts of receipts and expenditures with audit and public comments before the House of the local governments; Liaison with audit authorities and preparation of annotation of audit paras; Propose taxes, fees, rates, tolls, charges etc.; Recovery of approved taxes, fees, rates, tolls, charges etc.;Enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated function; and 11. Any other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government |
Municipal Regulation | Prevention and removal of encroachments; Regulate dangerous and offensive articles and trades provided in Second Schedule of the Act; Regulate markets and services and issue licenses, permits, grant permissions and impose penalties for violation thereof as and where applicable; Organize and regulate cultural & recreational events, fairs & shows; Manage properties and assets of the local government; Regulate and maintain parking places; Regulate and maintain parking places; Regulate affixing of sign-boards and advertisements except where this function is being performed by the Parks and Horticulture Authority; Compile and maintain data on registration of births; Enforce all municipal laws, rules and bye-laws relating to the allocated function; 11. Any other function assigned under Law, Rules and by the Government. |
Municipal Infrastructure and Services | Provision, improvement and maintenance of public ways and streets, public open spaces, graveyards, public gardens, play grouds and farm to market roads; Assist union councils in provision and maintenance of rural water supply schemes and public sources of drinking water, including wells, water pumps, tanks, ponds and other works for the supply of water; Safety on children’s play areas and prevention of accidents; Construction of culverts, bridges and public buildings, and Undertake other development activities |
Note: In case where there is no municipal services office, the functions of that office will be performed by the Municipal Infrastructure Office.
(See Rule 13)
List of cases to be submitted to the Mayor or the Chairman for his approval before issuance of orders.
- Annual Budget Statement
- Laying of Supplementary Statement of expenditure before the House.
- Cases in which Provincial Government has issued directions.
- Reference to the Punjab Local Government Commission on any dispute between local government and any department of the Government or between two local governments.
- All cases which are liable to involve a local government into controversy with the Government or with another local government.