Chapter – XXXVIII) Transitional Arrangements #
205. Interim authorities and continuation of public services.–
(1) All offices, agencies and authorities of the defunct local governments established under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2013 (XVIII of 2013) shall continue providing public services in their respective local areas without any interruption till such time new local governments are established under this Act.
(2) Subject to any other relevant law, all officers and servants of the defunct local governments shall continue to discharge their respective duties and exercise their powers with the successor local governments under this Act, till such time they are assigned or transferred to any other local government.
(3) Nothing in this section shall preclude the Government from appropriately re-organizing the defunct local governments or for that matter reorganizing or reassigning any other office or authority established under the Punjab Local Government Act 2013 (XVIII of 2013).
NOTES: | ||||
PLGA 2013 | PLGA 2019 | PLGO 2021 | PLGA 2022 (Act No. XIII of 2022) | PLGA 2022 (Act No. XXXIII of 2022) |
s. | s. | s. | s. | s. |
151 | 316 | 217 | 211 | 205 |
This section contains transitory provisions to ensure continuity of public services through the offices, agencies and authorities of the defunct local governments established under the repealed Punjab Local Government Act, 2013 in their respective local areas to the residents. The purpose is that the residents shall not be deprived of their legal and fundamental rights of access to the municipal services till the local governments under the Act are constituted after conduct of election by the Election Commission of Pakistan. For the said purpose, this section ensures that all officers and servants of the defunct local governments shall continue to discharge their respective duties and exercise their powers with the successor local governments under this Act, till such time they are assigned or transferred to any other local government.
206. Interim maintenance of offices and Authorities to be transferred to local governments under this Act.– #
Pending the transfer of control of the office, agency or Authority to be transferred to local governments under this Act, any public service, or duty or other function which at the commencement of this Act is being undertaken or performed by that office, agency or authority shall, notwithstanding any provision of this Act, continue to be undertaken by that office or authority till such time that it is transferred to the local government.
NOTES: | ||||
PLGA 2013 | PLGA 2019 | PLGO 2021 | PLGA 2022 (Act No. XIII of 2022) | PLGA 2022 (Act No. XXXIII of 2022) |
s. | s. | s. | s. | s. |
152 | 317 | 218 | 212 | 206 |
Provisions of this section has to be read with section 23 of the Act which says that certain companies, authorities and agencies providing municipal services and facilities in Metropolitan Corporation shall stand entrusted to the respective Metropolitan Corporation. This section ensures that till elected local governments are constituted under the Act and pending the transfer of control of the office, agency or Authority to be transferred to local governments, they continue to provide public service or duty till such time they are transferred.
207. Fiscal transfers and taxes etc. to continue.–(1) On coming into force of this Act, where a local government was receiving any fiscal transfer, grant or compensation in lieu of Zilla tax or Octroi, the successor local government shall continue to receive such transfer, grant or compensation. m
(2) All taxes, cess, fee, toll, rates, rent, fee or other charges which were being charged under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2022 (XIII of 2022) or any other repealed law shall continue to be charged under this Act, and every person liable to pay such tax, cess, fee, toll, rate, rent, fee or other charge shall continue to pay, unless such tax, cess, fee, toll, rate, fee or other charge is revised, withdrawn or varied under this Act.
NOTES: | ||||
PLGA 2013 | PLGA 2019 | PLGO 2021 | PLGA 2022 (Act No. XIII of 2022) | PLGA 2022 (Act No. XXXIII of 2022) |
s. | s. | s. | s. | s. |
153 | 318 | 219 | 213 | 207 |
208. Fiscal transfers and budget of the succeeding local governments for the first year in office.–(1) If for any reason, on the date of assumption of office by a local government under this Act for the first time, no Finance Commission has been established under this Act, provincial allocable amount and the share of transfers to local governments from the provincial allocable amount shall be determined by the interim committee constituted under the repealed Punjab Local Government Act, 2019 (XIII of 2019).
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, where a local government assumes office under this Act during the currency of a financial year, the estimate of receipts and expenditure of that local government for that year shall cover the remaining period.
NOTES: | ||||
PLGA 2013 | PLGA 2019 | PLGO 2021 | PLGA 2022 (Act No. XIII of 2022) | PLGA 2022 (Act No. XXXIII of 2022) |
s. | s. | s. | s. | s. |
– | 319 | 220 | 214 | 208 |
209. Salaries and emoluments of officers and servants of the local governments during transition.–(1) On their allocation, re-allocation or transfer under this Act, the salary, pensionary benefits and other emoluments of the officers and servants of the defunct local governments and any other office, agency or authority established under the repealed local government laws, shall not be reduced or varied to their detriment.
(2) For the removal of any ambiguity in this regard, all officers and servants of the defunct local governments and any other office, agency or authority established under the repealed local government laws, shall continue to receive their authorized salary, pensionary benefits and other emoluments up till the time they are allocated, re-allocated or transferred to local governments constituted under this Act.
NOTES: | ||||
PLGA 2013 | PLGA 2019 | PLGO 2021 | PLGA 2022 (Act No. XIII of 2022) | PLGA 2022 (Act No. XXXIII of 2022) |
s. | s. | s. | s. | s. |
– | 320 | 221 | 215 | 209 |
1. | Letter No. SO(MC-DEV)New Local Govt.)LG/9-2/2015 dated 16.03.2017 regarding “Payment of Pension and Salaries to the Employees of Local Governments” |
1. | Letter No. SO-Admn-II(LG)1-37/2003, Govt. of the Punjab, LG&RD Department dated 15.01.2005 regarding “Enhancement of Sum Assured in Respect of Group Term Insurance Scheme and Rates of Deduction” |
2. | Letter No. SO.IV(LG)1-10/2002, Govt. of the Punjab, LG&RD Department dated 21.07.2004 regarding “Matters Pertaining to Pension of the Employees Government/Erstwhile Local Councils”. |
3. | Letter No. SO.IV(LG) 1-10/2002, Govt. of the Punjab, LG&RD Department dated 03.01.2004 regarding “Consolidation of Pension Contribution etc., by Employees of Defunct Corporations / Zila Councils and Transferred to District Government Fund”. |
4. | Letter No. SO-1V(LG)1-10/2002, Govt. of the Punjab, LG&RD Department dated 15.03.2003 regarding “Matters Pertaining to Pension of the Employees Government / Erstwhile Local Councils”. |
5. | Notification No. SO-IV(LG) 1-10/2002,Govt. of the Punjab, LG&RD Department dated 23.10.2002, regarding “Procedure for Discharge of Pensionary Liabilities of the Retired/Retiring Employees of the Erstwhile Zila Councils/Metropolitan Corporation, Lahore out of their Existing Pension Fund being Maintained as Local Fund”. |
Seats of Councillors in Metropolitan Corporations and District Councils
Sr. | Population Size as per latest census | minorities | women | workers/ peasants | Youth | Trader/farmer | Disabled | Total Reserved | Total General Councilors | Total |
1 | More than Ten Million | 6 | 23 | 15 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 60 | 90 | 150 |
2 | More than Five Million up to Ten | 5 | 18 | 12 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 48 | 72 | 120 |
3 | More than Four Million up to Five Million | 4 | 14 | 9 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 36 | 54 | 90 |
4 | More than Three Million up to Four Million | 4 | 12 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 32 | 48 | 80 |
5 | More than Two Million up to Three Million | 3 | 10 | 7 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 28 | 42 | 70 |
6 | More than One Million up to Two Million | 2 | 9 | 6 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 24 | 36 | 60 |
7 | Up to One Million | 2 | 8 | 5 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 20 | 30 | 50 |
Note: Provided that each Tehsil of a local government shall have representation not less than ten percent of the total allocated seats to such local government.
(See section 14)
Composition of Head’s Cabinet for Metropolitan Corporations and District Councils
Sr. No. | Range of Population of Local area to determine the number of Members of a Head’s Cabinet | Total allocated members of Head’s Cabinet |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
1 | 10,000,001 and above | 12 |
2 | 1,000,001 to 10,000,000 | 9 |
3 | Up to 1,000,000 | 6 |
4 | Up to 500,000 | 3 |
Explanation 1: The number of female members shall be at least one for local governments having population less than ten million and Two for local governments having population ten million and above.
Explanation 2: The number of technocrat members shall be one third of total number of Head’s Cabinet.
(See section 61)
Declaration on Finality of Prophethood
I, son / wife / daughter of (mention here the name of the candidate taking oath) __________________ do hereby solemnly swear ( mention here the name of father / husband) that I believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophethood of:

Date: Signature of the Declarant
(See sections 14, 66, 87, 159)
Oath of Assumption of an Office under the PLGA 2021
(in the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful)
I, ___________________ son / wife / daughter of (mention here the name of the candidate taking oath) ___________________ (mention here the name of father / husband) elected / nominated / appointed as _______________________________________________do hereby declare on oath / solemnly affirm:
That, I shall bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan and would always work to strengthen its ideology, integrity, solidarity and prosperity;
And that, I shall perform my duties under the Punjab Local Government Act, 2022, rules and bye-laws made thereunder and all other applicable laws, honestly, efficaciously and efficiently to the best of my ability;
And that I shall, always work in the best interest of the residents without any favour or prejudice and shall not allow my personal interest to influence my official conduct or my official decision;
And that I shall, to the best of my ability, use moneys and resources of the local government in the best interest of the residents and would do all what is required to prevent misuse or misappropriation of such money or resources;
And that in all circumstances I shall do right to all people according to law without fear or favour, ill will, or discrimination;
And that I shall, always act according to and uphold and promote democratic values;
And that I shall not directly or indirectly communicate or reveal to any person any matter which shall become known to me in my official capacity, except as may be required for the due discharge of my duties.
May Allah Almighty / God, help and guide me (Ameen)
Dated: _________________
Countersigned Signature of the Declarant Signature and seal of the Design
(see section 99)
Taxes & Fees
Metropolitan Corporation and District Council
(a) Tax on urban immovable property;
(b) Tax on the transfer of immovable property;
(c) Water use charges / fee;
(d) Drainage rate;
(e) Conservancy rate;
(f) Fee for approval of building plans, erection and re-erection of buildings;
(g) Fee for compounding of offence and violations;
(h) Fee for change of land use of a land or building as prescribed;
(i) Fee for licenses, sanctions and permits;
(j) Fee on the slaughter of animals;
(k) Fee for establishment of Private Markets;
(l) Fee for regulation of advertisement through sign boards, hoardings, cutouts, neon-signs, pole signs, sky signs and boards; billboards; directional boards, banners, streamers, moppy signs, temporary advertisement structures and stalls, posters, one way visions, hot air balloons and blimps, moving vehicles, electronic display screens including Light Emitting Diode (LED) and Surface Mounted Device (SMD), etc.,
(m) Toll fee on roads, bridges and ferries maintained by the respective local government
(n) Parking fee;
(o) Fees on sale of cattle;
(p) Fee for specific services rendered by the office of local government or any of its authority, agency or company;
(q) Fee on installation of Base Transceiver Station/Tower; and
(r) Any other tax or fee or levy authorized by the Government.
Part- II
Union Council
(a) Fee for registration and certification of birth, marriage, divorce and deaths;
(b) Fee for specific services rendered;
(c) Any other tax or fee or levy authorized by the Government.
Part – I (Rules)
(1) Conduct of Elections.
(2) Conduct of Business.
(3) Conduct of meetings.
(4) Taxation.
(5) Property.
(6) Auction of Collection Rights.
(7) Regulation of Private Housing Schemes.
(8) Local Government Service.
(9) Servants of Local Governments.
(10) Budget.
(11) Accounts.
(12) Contracts.
(13) Works.
(14) Conduct of Inspections.
(15) Conduct of elected officials.
(16) Fiscal Transfers.
(17) Delegation of Financial Powers.
(18) Births, Deaths, Marriages and Divorces.
(19) Appeal.
(20) Cattle Markets.
(21) street markets .
(22) Land use Plan.
(23) Naming of Roads, Streets and Public Places.
(24) Any other set of rules necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
Part–II (Bye-laws)
(1) Burial and cremation places.
(2) Building Control.
(3)Slaughter of animals and maintenance of slaughterhouses.
(4) Regulation of parking.
(5) Organization and regulation of fairs, shows, tournaments and other public gatherings.
(6) Licensing.
(7) Markets.
(8) Parks and open places.
(9) Picketing, parking animals or collecting carts or vehicles on any street.
(10) Street Markets
(11) Prevention and removal of encroachments.
(12) Municipal Libraries.
(13) Throwing or placing any refuse on any street, or in any place not provided or appointed for the purpose.
(14) Tampering with any main, pipe, or any apparatus or appliance for the supply of water.
(15) Disposing of carcasses of animals.
(16) Use of sewer water for farming.
(17) Flow or drain to be put upon any street, or public place, or into an irrigation channel or any sewer or drain not set apart for the purpose.
(18) Fixing any bill, notice, placard, or other paper or means of advertisement against or upon any building or place other than the places fixed for the purpose by the local government.
(19) Fixing of wooden khokhas, plying of handcarts for the sale of goods, and temporary or permanent shops or extensions thereof.
(20) Watering cattle or animals, or bathing or washing at, or, near a well or other source of drinking water for the public.
(21) Any other matters as in the opinion of a local government are necessary or expedient to be provided for in the bye-laws to achieve the objectives of this Act.
[See section 206]
1. Prohibition of picketing or tethering in streets.– No animal shall be picketed or tethered in such streets or places as may be specified by the concerned local government and any animal found picketed or tethered in any such street or place shall be liable to seizure and impounding.
2. Prohibition against keeping and maintaining cattle.– (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other law or any agreement, instrument, custom or usage or decree, judgment or order of any court or other authority, the concerned local government may declare any part of its local area as a prohibited zone.
(2) At any time after declaration under sub-paragraph (1) has been made, the local government may, by general or special notice, prohibit the keeping and maintaining the cattle by any person in the prohibited zone.
(3) No person shall, after the expiry of the period fixed under sub-paragraph (2), keep or maintain cattle in any part of the prohibited zone:
provided that the prohibition shall not apply to–
(i) cattle kept bona fide for sacrificial purpose;
(ii) cattle kept for drawing carts or use in mills, with the permission of the local government and subject to such conditions as it may impose;
(iii) cattle under treatment in any veterinary hospital;
(iv) cattle brought to a cattle market demarcated by the local government for the purpose of sale; and
(v) cattle brought to a slaughterhouse or kept by butchers for the purpose of slaughter within the area demarcated by the local government.
(4) Persons affected by the prohibition order under sub-paragraph (2) to meet their genuine needs may be allowed to keep and maintain their cattle at the places earmarked as “cattle colonies” by the local government on such terms and conditions as it may impose.
3. Dangerous animals.– The concerned local government may, by byelaw, establish a complaints mechanism through which complaints against specific dangerous animals can be received and a mechanism to determine if an individual animal against which a complaint has been received is a dangerous animal and such byelaws, among other matters, may provide for the identification, detention, relocation and, as a measure of last resort, humane euthanasia of specific individual animals reported and determined to be dangerous.
4. Disposal of carcasses.– Whenever an animal in the charge of a person dies, otherwise than by being slaughtered for sale or consumption or for some other religious purpose such person shall either–
(a) convey the carcasses within twenty-four hours to a place, if any, fixed by the concerned local government for the disposal of the dead bodies of animals or to a place beyond the limits of its local area, not being a place within two kilometers of such limits; or
(b) give notice of the death to the local government whereupon the local government shall cause the carcass to be disposed of and charge such fees from the person concerned as the byelaws may provide.
5. Registration of the sale of cattle.– The concerned local government may, by byelaws, require that sale of such animals as may be specified shall be registered with the concerned local government in such manner and subject to the payment of such fees as the byelaws may provide.
Animal Trespass
6. Power to seize.– (1) A cultivator, tenant, occupier, vendee or mortgagee of any land or crop or produce or any part thereof or any person who has advanced cash for the cultivation of crop may seize or cause to be seized any animal trespassing on such land and doing damage thereto, or any crop or produce thereon, to send them or cause them to be sent within twenty-four hours to a pound established under the Act.
(2) Persons in charge of public roads, play grounds, parks, plantations, canals, drainage works, embankments and the like, or the officers of police, may seize or cause to be seized animals doing damage thereto, and shall send them or cause them to be sent, within twenty-four hours of the seizure, to the nearest animal pound.
7. Pounds.– The concerned local government may establish such number of animal pounds as may be necessary and may fix, from time to time, the location of the animal pounds, the rate of feeding, watering and accommodating the impounded animals.
8. Pound keepers.– The local government may appoint pound-keepers on whole-time or part-time basis on such terms and conditions as may be fixed by the concerned local government.
9. Registers and returns.– (1) A pound-keeper shall keep such registers and furnish such returns as may be required by the concerned local government.
(2) When animals are brought to the pounds, the pound-keeper shall enter in the register the number and description of animals, the day and hour on which they were so brought, the name and residence of the seizurer and that of the owner, if known, and shall give the seizurer or his agent a copy of such entry.
10. Possession and feeding.– The pound-keeper shall take charge of, feed and water the animals until they are disposed of as hereinafter provided.
11. Fines for impounded animals.– For every animal impounded under the Act, the pound-keeper shall levy a fine in accordance with the scale fixed by the concerned local government and the fines so charged shall form part of and be credited to the local fund.
12. Delivery or sale of animals.– (1) If the owner of an impounded animal or his agent appears and claims the animal, the pound-keeper shall deliver it to him on payment of the fine and charges incurred in respect of such animal under proper receipt to be recorded by the owner or his agent in the register.
(2) If the animal is not claimed within seven days of impounding, the pound-keepers shall inform the officer in charge of the Police Station who shall thereupon display at a conspicuous place in his office a notice stating the number and description of animals and places of seizure and impounding. A similar notice shall be displayed at a conspicuous place in the office of the concerned local government.
(3) If the animal is not claimed within seven days of the notice it shall be sold by the local government by open auction after giving sufficient publicity in the local area:
Provided that the person auctioning the animals or the pound-keeper or his relatives shall not bid for or purchase the impounded animals.
(4) The proceeds of the sale of the animal shall be paid to the owner if he appears within six months of the sale, after deduction of fines, feeding and other charges.
13. Arboriculture.– The concerned local government shall plant trees on public streets and other public places within its local area and take all such steps as may be necessary for the plantation and protection of trees on such streets and places.
14. Nuisance pertaining to trees and plantations.– (1) A government may, by byelaws, determine the pests of trees and plants and provide for their destruction.
(2) If any land or premises within the local area of the concerned local government is grown with rank or noxious vegetation, or under-growth, the local government may by notice require the owner or the occupier of such land or premises to clear such vegetation or under-growth within a specified time and if he fails to do so within such time, the local government may have such vegetation or under-growth cleared and the cost incurred shall be deemed to be a tax levied on the owner or occupier under the Act.
(3) The concerned local government may, in the manner provided in the byelaws, prohibit the cultivation of any crop which is considered dangerous to public health within such part of its local area as may be specified.
Boundaries and Trees
15. Boundary walls, hedges and fences.– (1) No boundary wall, hedge or fence of any material or description shall be erected in such parts of a local area as are specified by a local government without the permission in writing of the concerned local government.
(2) A local government may, by notice in writing, require the owner or lessee of any land in its local area–
(a) to remove from the land any boundary wall, hedge or fence which is, in its opinion unsuitable, unsightly or otherwise objectionable; or
(b) to construct on the land sufficient boundary walls, hedges or fences of such material, description or dimensions as may be specified in the notice; or
(c) to main the boundary walls, hedges or fences of such lands in good order:
provided that, in the case of any such boundary wall, hedge or fence which was erected with the consent or under the orders of the concerned local government or which was in existence at the commencement of the Act the concerned local government shall make compensation for any damage caused by the removal thereof.
(3) A local government may, by notice in writing, require the owner, lessee or occupier of any such land to cut or trim any hedge on the land in such manner and within such time as may be specified in the notice.
16. Felling, lopping and trimming of trees.– (1) Where, in the opinion of the concerned local government the felling of any tree of mature growth standing in a private enclosure in its local area is necessary for any reason, the concerned local government may, by notice in writing, require the owner, lessee or occupier of the land to fell the tree within such time as may be specified in the notice.
(2) A local government may–
(a) cause to be lopped or trimmed any tree standing on land in its local area which belongs to the local government; or
(b) by public notice require all owners, lessees or occupiers of land in its local area or by notice in writing require the owner, lessee or occupier of any such land, to lop or trim, in such manner as may be specified in the notice, all or any trees standing on such land or to remove any dead trees from such land.
17. Digging of Public Land.– No person shall, without the permission in writing of the concerned local government, dig up the surface of any open space which is not a private property or take out earth therefrom.
18. Improper use of land.– (1) If in the opinion of a local government the working of a quarry in its local area or the removal of stone, sand, earth or other material from the soil in any place in its local area is dangerous, to persons residing in or frequenting the neighbourhood of such quarry or place, or creates, or is likely to create, a nuisance, the concerned local government may, by notice in writing, prohibit the owner, lessee or occupier of such quarry or place or the person responsible for such working or removal, from continuing or permitting the working of such quarry or the moving of such material, or require him to take such steps in the matter as the local government may direct for the purpose of preventing danger or abating the nuisance or likely to arise therefrom.
(2) If, in any case referred to in sub-paragraph (1), the concerned local government is of the opinion that such a course is necessary in order to prevent imminent danger, it may, by order in writing, require a proper hoarding or fence to be put up for the protection of passers-by.
Building and Land Use Control
19. Sanction for buildings.– No person shall erect or re-erect a building or commence to erect or re-erect a building on any land in a local area except with the previous sanction of the concerned local government nor otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of the Act and of the rules and bye-laws made under the Act relating to the erection and re-erection of buildings:
20. Notice of new buildings.–
(1) Whoever intends to erect or re-erect any building in a local area shall apply for sanction by giving notice in writing of his intention to the concerned local government.
(2) For the purposes of the Act, a person shall be deemed to erect or re-erect a building who–
(a) makes any material alteration of enlargement of any building, or
(b) converts into a place for human habitation any building not originally constructed for that purpose, or
(c) converts into more than one place for human habitation a building originally constructed as one such place, or
(d) converts two or more places of human habitation into one such place or into greater number of such places, or
(e) converts a building or a site or land meant for one particular use or in one particular zoning area into any other use or a use meant for another zoning area, or
(f) converts into a stable, cattle-shed or cow-house any building originally constructed for human habitation, or
(g) makes any alteration which there is reason to believe is likely to affect prejudicially the stability or safety of any building or the condition of any building in respect of drainage, sanitation or hygiene, or
(h) makes any alteration to any building which increases or diminishes the height of, or area converted by, or the cubic capacity of, the building, or which reduces the cubic capacity of any room in the building below the minimum prescribed by any bye-law made under the Act.
21. Conditions of valid notice.– (1) A person giving the required notice shall specify the purpose for which he intends to use the building.
(2) Where a plan to re-lay a street has been approved by the concerned local government, a person who intends to erect or re-erect a building or commences to erect or re-erect a building shall adopt the approved building or street line and for this purpose any space required to be left vacant shall vest in the local government.
(3) No notice shall be valid until it is made in the manner prescribed in the bye-laws made under the Act along with plans and other information which may be required therein, have been furnished to the satisfaction of the concerned local government along with the notice.
22. Power of Local Government to sanction or refuse.– (1) The concerned local government may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, either refuse to sanction the erection or re-erection, as the case may be, of the building, or may sanction it either absolutely or subject to such directions as it thinks fit in respect of all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(a) the free passage or way to be left in front of the building;
(b) the space to be left around the building;
(c) the ventilation of the building, the minimum cubic area of the rooms and the number and height of the storeys of which the building may consist;
(d) the provision and position of drains, latrines, urinals, cesspools or other receptacles for wastes;
(e) the level and width of the foundation, the level of the lowest floor and the stability of the structure;
(f) the line of frontage with neighbouring buildings if the building abuts on a street;
(g) the means to be provided for egress from the building in case of fire;
(h) the materials and method of construction to be used for external and internal walls for rooms, floors, fire-places and chimneys;
(i) the height and slope of the roof above the uppermost floor upon which human beings are to live or cooking operations are to be carried on; and
(j) any other matter affecting the ventilation, sanitation safety or environmental aspects of the building and its relationship with the surrounding buildings or areas;
and the person erecting or re-erecting the building shall obey all such written directions in every particular.
(2) The concerned local government may refuse to sanction the erection or re-erection of any building, either on grounds sufficient in the opinion of the concerned local government affecting the particular building, or in pursuance of a notified general scheme or plan of the concerned local government, restricting the erection or re-erection of buildings within specified limits or for any other public purpose.
(3) The concerned local government before sanctioning the erection or re-erection of a building on land which is under the management of the Federal or Provincial Government or any agency thereof, shall ascertain in writing within thirty days of application whether there is any objection on the part of the concerned Government to such erection or re-erection.
(4) The concerned local government may refuse to sanction the erection or re-erection of any building–
(a) when the land on which it is proposed to erect or re-erect the building is held on a lease from the Federal or Provincial Government if, the erection or re-erection constitutes a breach of the terms of the lease, or
(b) when the land on which it is proposed to erect or re-erect the building is not held on a lease from the Government, if the right to build on such land is in dispute between the person applying for sanction and the Government.
(5) If the concerned local government decides to refuse to sanction the erection or re-erection of the building, it shall communicate in writing the reasons for such refusal to the person by whom notice was given.
(6) The concerned local government may, after giving notice and for reasons to be recorded, cancel, modify or withdraw the sanction of a site plan at any time.
23. Compensation.– (1) No compensation shall be claimed by any person for any damage or loss which he may sustain in consequence of the refusal of the local government of sanction to the erection of any building or in respect of any direction issued by it.
(2) The concerned local government shall make compensation to the owner of any building for any actual damage or loss sustained by him in consequence of the prohibition of the re-erection of any building or of its requiring any land belonging to him to be added to the street:
Provided that the concerned local government shall not be liable to make any compensation in respect of the prohibition of the re-erection of any building which for a period of three years or more immediately preceding such refusal has not been in existence or has been unfit for human habitation.
24. Lapse of sanction.–Every sanction for the erection or re-erection of a building given or deemed to have been given by the concerned local government as hereinbefore provided shall be available for one year from the date on which it is given, and, if the building so sanctioned is not begun by the person who has obtained the sanction or someone lawfully claiming under him within that period, it shall not thereafter be begun unless the concerned local government on application made therefor has allowed an extension of that period.
25. Period for completion of building.–The concerned local government, when sanctioning the erection or re-erection of a building as hereinbefore provided, shall specify a reasonable period after the work has commenced within which the erection or re-erection is to be completed, and, if the erection or re-erection is not completed within the period so fixed, it shall not be continued thereafter without fresh sanction obtained in the manner hereinbefore provided, unless the concerned local government on application made therefor has allowed an extension of that period:
Provided that not more than two such extensions shall be allowed by the concerned local government in any case.
26. Illegal erection and re-erection.– No person shall begin, continue or complete the erection or re-erection of a building–
(a) before the building has been sanctioned, or
(b) without complying with any direction made to him, or
(c) when sanction has been refused, or has ceased to be available, or has been suspended by the concerned local government.
27. Power to stop erection or re-erection or to demolish.– (1) A local government may, at any time, by notice in writing, direct the owner, lessee or occupier of any land in its local area to stop the erection or re-erection of a building in any case in which the concerned local government considers that such erection or re-erection is an offence and may direct the alteration or demolition, as it thinks necessary, of the building, or any part thereof, so erected or re-erected:
Provided that the concerned local government may, instead of requiring the alteration or demolition of any such building or part thereof, accept by way of composition such sum as notified by the concerned local government.
28. Completion of building or alteration of buildings.– (1) Every person who has erected or re-erected a building shall, within thirty days of the completion of the building, report such completion to the concerned local government.
(2) The concerned local government may cause to be inspected any building of which construction has begun or which has been erected or re-erected in violation or contravention of any provision of the Act, rules or the bye-laws or of the master plan or site development scheme, if any. The local government may require the alteration of the building so as to be in compliance therewith, and where such alteration is not possible, it may require the building or any part thereof to be demolished, or on the application of the owner of such building compound the offence on payment of such composition fee as notified by the concerned local government.
(3) If a building is required to be demolished under the provisions of sub-paragraph (2) and such requirement is not complied with, within the specified period, the local government may have the building demolished through its own agency and the cost so incurred shall be deemed to be a tax levied on the owner or occupier of the building under the Act.
29. Regulation of buildings.– (1) Except with the prior sanction of the concerned local government, no building shall be put to a use other than shown in the building plan according to which it was erected or re-erected:
Provided that the local government shall not sanction any change in the use of a building which may be in violation or contravention of the master plan or site development scheme, if any.
(2) If any building or anything fixed thereon be deemed by the concerned local government to be in a ruinous state or likely to fall or in any way dangerous to any inhabitant of such building or of any neighbouring building or to any occupier thereof or to passers-by, the local government may, by notice, require the owner or occupier of such building to demolish it or to take such action in regard to the building as may be specified in the notice, and if there is default, the local government may take necessary action and the cost so incurred shall be deemed to be a tax levied on the owner or occupier of the building under the Act.
(3) If a building is so ill constructed, or dilapidated or in dangerous condition or otherwise unfit for human habitation, the concerned local government may prohibit the occupation of such building till it has been suitably repaired to the satisfaction of the local government.
(4) If the building is in dangerous condition and declared unfit for human habitation, the concerned local government may, for the purpose of demolition, eject the owner or occupier from such building with such necessary force as may be required or in the laid down manner.
(5) Where it appears to the concerned local government that any block of buildings is in an unhealthy condition by reason of the manner in which the buildings are crowded together, or of the narrowness or closeness of the street, or of the want of proper drainage or ventilation, or of the impracticability of cleansing the buildings or other similar cause, it may cause the block to be inspected by a committee consisting of such officials of the concerned local government as prescribed in the bye-laws.
The committee shall make a report in writing to the concerned local government on the sanitary condition of the block, and if it considers that the condition thereof is likely to cause risk of disease to the inhabitants of the building or of the neighbourhood or otherwise to endanger the public health it shall clearly indicate on a plan verified by a senior technical professional of the concerned local government the buildings which should in its opinion wholly or in part be removed in order to abate the unhealthy condition of the block.
If, upon receipt of such report, the concerned local government is of the opinion that all or any building indicated should be removed, it may, by notice in writing, require the owners, thereof to remove them:
For the purposes of this sub-paragraph “buildings” includes enclosure walls and fences appertaining to buildings.
(6) Where it appears to a local government that any building or part of a building which is used as a dwelling house is so overcrowded as to endanger the health of the inmates thereof, it may, after such inquiry as it thinks fit, by notice in writing require the owner or occupier of the building or part thereof, as the case may be, within such time not being less than one month as may be specified in the notice, to abate the overcrowding of the same by reducing the number of lodgers, tenants, or other inmates to such number as may be specified in the notice.
30 Projections and obstructions.– (1) No owner or occupier of any building in a local area shall, without the permission in writing of the concerned local government add to or place against or in front of the building any projection or structure overhanging, projecting into, or encroaching on, any street or any drain, sewer or aqueduct therein.
2) The concerned local government may, by notice in writing, require the owner or occupier of any such building to alter or remove any such projection or encroachment as aforesaid.
31. Unauthorized buildings over drains, etc.– A local government may, by notice in writing, require any person who has, without its permission in writing, newly erected or re-erected any structure over any public sewer, drain, culvert, water-course or water-pipe in its local area to pull down or otherwise deal with the same as it thinks fit.
32. Drainage and sewer connections.– (1) A local government may, by notice in writing, require the owner or lessee of any building or land in any street, at his own expense and in such manner as the concerned local government thinks fit, to put up and keep in good condition proper troughs and pipes for receiving and carrying rain water from the building or land and for discharging the same or to establish and maintain any other connection or communication between such building or land and any drain or sewer.
(2) For the purpose of efficiently draining any building or land in its local area, the concerned local government may, by notice in writing, require the owner or lessee of the building or land–
(a) to pave, with such materials and in such manner as it thinks fit, any courtyard, ally or passage between two or more buildings, or
(b) to keep any such paving in proper repair.
33. Power to attach brackets for lamps.–A local government may attach to the outside of any building, or to any tree in its local area, brackets for lamps in such manner as not to occasion injury thereto or inconvenience.
34. Power to make bye-laws.–A local government may make bye-laws prescribing–
(a) the manner in which notice of the intention to erect or re-erect a building in its local area shall be given to the local government and the information and plans to be furnished with the notice;
(b) the type or description of buildings which may or may not, and the purpose for which a building may or may not, be erected or re-erected in its local area or any part thereof;
(c) the minimum cubic capacity of any room or rooms in a building which is to be erected or re-erected;
(d) the fees payable on provision by the concerned local government of plans or specifications of the type of buildings which may be erected in the local area or any part thereof;
(e) the circumstances in which a mosque, temple or church or other sacred building may be erected or re-erected; and
(f) any other matter which the concerned local government may consider necessary.
Burial Places and Cremation
35. Power to call for information regarding burial and burning grounds.– (1) The concerned local government may, by notice in writing, require the owner or person in charge of any burial or burning ground within its area to supply such information as may be specified in the notice concerning the condition, management or position of such ground.
(2) No place which has not been used as a burial or burning ground before the commencement of the Act shall be so used without the permission in writing of the concerned local government.
(3) No new burial or burning place shall be established within the local area of a local government except under a license granted by the local government and in conformity with the condition of such license.
(4) A burial or burning place which is not administered by a local government shall be registered with the concerned local government and shall be subject to regulation, supervision and inspection by it in such manner as the byelaws may provide.
(5) The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, declare that any burial or burning place which is open to public for burial or burning shall vest in a local government and thereupon such burial or burning place shall vest in the local government and it shall take all measures necessary for the proper maintenance and administration thereof.
(6) The concerned local government may provide suitable places for the burial or burning of the dead, and shall take necessary measures for the proper maintenance and administration of such burial and burning places.
(7) Where a local government after making or causing to be made a local inquiry, is of opinion that any burial or burning ground in its local area has become offensive, to, or dangerous to, the health of, persons living in the neighbourhood, it may, by notice in writing, require the owner or person in charge of such ground to close the same from such date as may be specified in the notice.
(8) Where such notice is issued, the concerned local government may provide at its own expense or, if the community concerned is willing to provide a new burial or burning ground, shall provide a grant to be made towards the cost of the same.
(9) No corpse shall be buried or burnt in any burial or burning ground in respect of which a notice issued under this paragraph is for the time being in force.
Fairs and Shows
36. Fairs and shows.– The concerned local government may make such arrangements on the occasion of any fairs, shows or public festivals within its local area as may be necessary for the public health, public safety and public convenience..
Drainage and Sewerage
37. Drainage.– (1) The concerned local government shall provide an adequate system of public drains in its local area and all such drains shall be constructed, maintained, kept cleared and emptied with due regard to the health and convenience of the public.
(2) Every owner or occupier of any land or building within the local area of the concerned local government may, with its previous permission, and subject to such terms and conditions, including the payment of fees, as it may impose, cause his drains to be emptied into public drains.
(3) All private drains shall be subject to control, regulation and inspection by the concerned local government.
(4) Subject to the provisions of any other law for the time being in force, the concerned local government may by notice direct a commercial or industrial concern to provide for the disposal of its waste or effluent in the manner specified, and failure on the part of owner, tenant or occupier thereof to comply with such directions, shall be a municipal offence.
(5) The concerned local government may, by notice, require the owner of any building, land or an industrial concern within its local area–
(a) to construct such drains within the building or land or the street adjoining such building or land and to take such other measures for treatment and disposal of effluent as may be specified in the notice;
(b) to remove, alter or improve any such drains; and
(c) to take other steps for the effective drainage of the building or land as may be specified.
(6) In case of failure of owner to comply with the requirements of notice under sub-paragraph (5), the concerned local government may itself cause such requirements to be carried out, and the cost so incurred shall be deemed to be a tax levied on the owner of the building or land, as the case may be, under the Act.
38. Drainage and sewerage schemes for commercial and industrial area.– (1) The concerned local government may, by notice, require the owners, tenants and occupiers of commercial and industrial concerns in any area or areas within its local area to have at their own cost prepared a scheme for the adequate and safe drainage and disposal of their wastes and effluent of the quality permitted under the rule or the byelaws and submit it to the local government within the time specified in the notice:
provided that the time limit may be extended by the local government for a maximum period of three months at the request of the owners, tenants or occupiers of the commercial and the industrial units concerned.
(2) The drainage, sewerage and disposal scheme as approved by the local government with modifications, if any, shall be executed and implemented by the owners, tenants or occupiers of the commercial or industrial units at their expense in such manner and within such time as may be specified by the local government.
(3) In case of the failure of the owners, tenants or occupiers of the commercial or industrial concerns to comply with the provisions of sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), the concerned local government may itself prepare the drainage, sewerage and disposal scheme and execute and implement it at its own expense, and the cost so incurred shall, under the Act, be deemed to be a tax levied on the owners, tenants or occupiers of the industrial and commercial units concerned.
39. Encroachment .– (1) No person shall make an encroachment movable or immovable on an open space or land vested in or managed, maintained or controlled by a local government, or on, over or under a street, road, graveyard, within its local area or a drain.
(2) The local government may, after such notice as may be considered reasonable, remove the encroachment mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) with such force as may be necessary.
(3) A person who trespasses into or is in wrongful occupation of a building or property which is vested in or is managed, maintained or controlled by a local government may, in addition to any other penalty to which he may be liable under the Act or any other law for the time being in force, after such notice as may be considered reasonable by the local government, be ejected from such building or property by the local government with such force as may be necessary.
(4) Any person aggrieved by the notice issued under sub-paragraph (3) may, within seven days, of the service of notice, appeal to such authority as may be prescribed in the bye-laws and its decision thereon shall be final.
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law, no compensation shall be payable for any encroachment removed or ejectment carried out under this paragraph.
(6) The cost of removal of encroachment or ejectment under this paragraph shall be payable to the local government by the encroacher or wrongful occupier, and if the cost is not paid on demand the local government may cause it to be recovered as arrears of land revenue or cause the materials or articles used by the encroacher or the wrongful occupier of encroachment or wrongful occupation to be sold in auction and if the proceeds of the sale are not sufficient to cover the cost the balance shall be recoverable as arrears of land revenue but if such proceeds exceed the cost, the excess shall be paid to the encroacher or the wrongful occupier.
(7) In this paragraph, “encroacher” or “wrongful occupier” shall include a person who owns the materials or articles used for encroachment or wrongful occupation at the time of removal of encroachment or ejectment and also any person in possession thereof on his behalf or with his permission or connivance.
Food and Markets
40. Public markets and slaughter-houses.– (1) A local government may provide and maintain within its own local area, public markets and public slaughter-houses, in such number as it thinks fit, together with stalls, shops, sheds, pens and other buildings or conveniences for the use of persons carrying on trade or business in or frequenting such markets or slaughter-houses, and may provide and maintain in any such market buildings, places, machines, weights, scales and measures for the weighment or measurement of goods sold therein.
(2) The concerned local government may at any time, by public notice either close or relocate any public market or public slaughterhouse or any part thereof.
41. Use of public markets.– (1) No person shall, without the general or special permission for sale by such person be summarily removed from the market by or under the orders of the concerned local government by any officer or servant of the concerned local government authorized by it in this behalf.
(2) Any person contravening the provisions of this paragraph and any animal or article exposed for sale by such person may be summarily removed from the market by or under the orders of the concerned local government by an officer or servant of the concerned local government authorized by it in this behalf.
42. Levy of stallages, rents and fees.– A local government may, in respect of pubic market and public slaughter houses–
(a) charge for the occupation or use of any stall, shop standing, shed or pen in a public market, or public slaughter-house; or for the right to expose goods for sale in a public market; or for weighing or measuring goods sold therein; or for the right to bring in goods on vehicles or animals or for animals brought for sale or sold; or for the right to slaughter animals in any public slaughter-house; such stallages, rents and fees as it thinks fit; including that from brokers commission agents, and others practicing their calling therein;
(b) or direct the concerned local government to receive such approved rents and fees leviable as aforesaid or any portion thereof for any period not exceeding one year at a time; or
(c) put up to public auctions or dispose of by private sale, the privilege of occupying or using any stall, shops, standing, shed or pen in a public market or public slaughter house for such term and on such conditions as it may approve.
43. Stallages, rents, etc. to be published.–A copy of the table of stallages, rents and fees, if any, leviable in any public market or public slaughter-house, and of the bye-laws made under the Act for the purpose of regulating the use of such market or slaughter-house, printed in Urdu and in such other language or languages as the local government may direct, shall be affixed in some conspicuous place in the market or slaughter-house.
44. Private markets and slaughter-houses.– (1) No place in a local area other than a public market shall be used as a market, and no place in a local area other than a public slaughter-house shall be used as a slaughter-house, unless such place has been licensed as a market or slaughter-house, as the case may be, by the concerned local government.
(2) Nothing in sub-paragraph (1) shall be deemed to restrict the slaughter of any animal in any place on the occasion of any festival or ceremony, subject to such conditions as to prior or subsequent notice as the concerned local government with the previous sanction of the local government may, by public or special notice, impose in this behalf.
45. Conditions of grant of license for private market or slaughter-house.– (1) A local government may charge such fees as approved by its local government for the grant of a licnese to any person to open a private market or private slaughter-house and may grant such license subject to such conditions, consistent with the Act and any bye-laws made thereunder, as it thinks fit to impose.
(2) The concerned local government may refuse to grant any such licence for reasons to be recorded.
46. Prohibition of keeping market or slaughter-house open without licence, etc.– (1) No person shall keep open for public use any market or slaughter-house in respect of which a licence therefor is suspended, or after the same has been cancelled.
(2) When a licence to open a private market or private slaughter-house is granted or refused or is suspended or cancelled, the concerned local government shall cause a notice of the grant, refusal, suspension or cancellation to be pasted in Urdu and in such other language or languages as it thinks necessary, in some conspicuous place nearby the entrance of the place to which the notice relates.
47. Prohibition of using unlicensed market or slaughter-houses.– No person shall, knowing that any market or slaughter-house has been opened to the public without a licence having been obtained therefor when such licence is required by or under the Act, or that the licence granted therefor is for the time being suspended or that it has been cancelled, sell or expose for sale any article in such market, or slaughters any animal in such slaughter-house.
48. Prohibition and restriction of use of slaughter-houses.– (1) Where, in the opinion of the concerned local government it is necessary on sanitary grounds so to do, it may, by public notice, prohibit for such period, not exceeding one month as may be specified in the notice, or for such further period, not exceeding one month, as it may specify by a like notice, the use of any private slaughter-house specified in the notice, or the slaughter therein of any animal of any description so specified.
(2) A copy of every notice issued under sub-paragraph (1) shall be conspicuously posted in the slaughter-house to which it relates.
49. Power to inspect slaughter-house.– (1) Any servant of a local government authorized by order in writing in this behalf by the concerned local government may, if he has reason to believe that any animal has been, is being, or is about to be slaughtered in any place in contravention of the provisions of the Act enter into and inspect any such place at any time, whether by day or by night.
(2) Every such order shall specify the place to be entered and the locality in which the same is situated and the period, which shall not exceed seven days, for which the order is to remain in force.
50. Power to make bye-laws.–A local government may make bye-laws consistent with the Act to provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(a) the days on, and the hours during, which any private market or private slaughterhouse may be kept open for use;
(b) the regulation of the design, ventilation and drainage of such markets and slaughterhouses, and the material to be used in the construction thereof;
(c) the keeping of such markets and slaughter-houses and lands and buildings appertaining thereto in a clean and sanitary condition, the removal of filth and refuse therefrom, and the supply therein of pure water and of a sufficient number of latrines and urinals for the use of persons using or frequenting the same;
(d) the manner in which animals shall be stalled at a slaughter-house;
(e) the manner in which animals may be slaughtered;
(f) the disposal or destruction of animals offered for slaughter which are, from disease or any other cause, unfit for human consumption;
(g) the destruction of carcasses which from disease or any other cause are found after slaughter to be unfit for human consumption;
(h) any other matter which the concerned local government may consider necessary including any specific exemptions from the application of the bye-laws.
Licensing: General Provisions
51. Power to vary license.–If a local government is satisfied that any place used under a license granted by it under the Act is a nuisance or is likely to be dangerous to life, health or property, the concerned local government may, by notice in writing, require the owner, lessee or occupier thereof to discontinue the use of such place or to effect such alterations, additions, or improvements as will, in the opinion of the concerned local government, render it no longer a nuisance or dangerous.
Open Spaces
52. Gardens.– (1) The concerned local government may lay-out and maintain within its local area such public gardens as may be necessary for the recreation and convenience of the public and such public gardens shall be maintained and administered in such manner as the byelaws, may provide.
(2) For every public garden there shall be framed and enforced, in the manner prescribed, a garden development plan, which shall provide for the development and improvement of the garden.
53. Open spaces.– The concerned local government may provide and maintain within its local area such open spaces as may be necessary for the convenience of the public and such spaces shall be grassed, hedged, planted and equipped with such amenities and in such manner as the byelaws may provide.
54. Land use plan.– Subject to any other special law for the time being in force, the concerned local government may draw up or cause to draw up land use plan for its local area which shall, among other matters, provide for–
(a) a survey of its local area including its history, statistics, public service and other particulars;
(b) development, expansion and improvement of any area within the local area;
(c) restrictions, regulations and prohibitions to be imposed with regard to the development of sites, and the erection and re-erection of buildings within the local area; and
(d) such other matters as the concerned local government may require to be included in the plan.
55. Site development schemes.– (1) Where a plan has been drawn up and such plan has been approved, no owner of land exceeding such area as may be specified in this behalf in the plan so approved shall develop the site or erect or re-erect a building on any plot of land covered by the plan, except in conformity with the provisions of a site development scheme sanctioned for the area in the manner prescribed.
(2) Where a plan has not been drawn up, no owner of land shall develop the site or erect or re-erect any building on any plot or land except in conformity with the provisions of the site development scheme sanctioned by the concerned local government.
(3) An owner of land who desires to develop a plot or a piece of land belonging to him for which no sanctioned site development scheme exists, or where the proposed development is not in conformity with the existing development scheme, he may apply to the concerned local government for sanction of his development scheme and the local government may, on such terms and conditions and on payment of such fees or charges as may be laid down by it in its byelaws, sanction the same:
provided further that the concerned local government may, after giving notice and for reasons to be recorded, cancel, modify or withdraw the sanction any time.
(4) Among other matters, the site development scheme shall provide for–
(a) the division of the site into plots;
(b) provision for streets, drains and open spaces;
(c) reservation of land for public utility services to be transferred to the concerned local government;
(d) provisions for acquisition of land by the local government, if any;
(e) the works that shall be executed at the cost of the owners of the site or sites; and
(f) the period during which the area shall be developed.
(5) The land reserved for public utility services in the Site Development Scheme shall be transferred, free of cost, by the owner or the owners to the local government before the sanction of the scheme. Such land shall not be converted or used for any purpose other than that shown in the same scheme.
56. Execution of site development schemes.– (1) The execution of site development scheme shall be subject to the inspection and control of the concerned local government and the local government may from time to time give such directions with regard to the execution of the scheme as may be deemed necessary.
(2) If any area is developed or otherwise dealt with in contravention of the provisions of the sanctioned scheme, the local government may, by notice, require the owner of such area or the person who has contravened the provisions to make such alteration, in the site as may be specified in the notice, and where such alteration is not made or for any reason cannot be carried out, the local government may require and enforce the demolition of unauthorized structure and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any law, no compensation shall be payable for such demolition.
(3) If an area for which a scheme has been sanctioned is not developed within the period provided in the scheme and further extension is not allowed by the local government, or if the development is not in conformity with the terms of the site development scheme, the local government may take over the development of the scheme and execute the necessary works as prescribed.
57. Insanitary buildings and lands.– (1) The concerned local government may, by notice, require the owners or occupier of any building or land which is in insanitary or unwholesome state–
(a) to clean or otherwise put in it in a proper state;
(b) to make arrangements to the satisfaction of the local government for its proper sanitation; and
(c) to limewash the building and to make such essential repairs as may be specified in the notice.
(2) If in the opinion of a local government any well, tank, reservoir, pool, depression, or excavation, or any bank or tree, is in a ruinous state or for want of sufficient repairs, protection or enclosure a nuisance or dangerous to persons passing by or dwelling or working in the neighbourhood, the concerned local government may by notice in writing, require the owner or part-owner or person claiming to be the owner or part-owner thereof, or, failing any of them, the occupier thereof to remove the same, or may require him to repair, or to protect or enclose the same in such manner as it thinks necessary; and, if the danger is, in the opinion of the concerned local government imminent, it shall forthwith take such steps as it thinks necessary to avert the same.
58. Removal, collection and disposal of refuse.– (1) The concerned local government shall make adequate arrangements for the removal of refuse from all public roads and streets, public latrines, urinals, drains and all buildings and lands vested in the local government and for the collection and proper disposal of such refuse.
(2) The occupiers of all other buildings and lands within the local area of a local government shall be responsible for the removal of refuse from such buildings and land subject to the general control and supervision of the local government where relevant.
(3) The concerned local government shall cause public dustbins or other suitable receptacles to be provided at suitable places and where such dustbins or receptacles are provided, the concerned local government may, by public notice, require that all refuse accumulating in any premises or land shall be deposited by the owner or occupier of such premises or land in such dustbins or receptacles.
(4) All refuse removed and collected by the staff of a local government or under their control and supervision and all refuse deposited in the dustbins and other receptacles provided by the local government shall be property of the local government.
(5) The concerned local government may, by notice issue directions at which the manner in which and the conditions subject to which, any matter referred to in this paragraph may be carried out.
59. Latrines and urinals.– (1) The concerned local government shall provide and maintain in sufficient number and in proper situations public latrines and urinals for the separate use of each sex, and shall cause the same to be kept in proper order and to be regularly and properly cleaned.
(2) A local government may, by notice in writing:-
(a) require any person having the control whether as owner, lessee or occupier of any land or building–
(i) to close any cesspool appertaining to the land or building which is, in the opinion of the concerned local government a nuisance; or
(ii) to keep in a clean condition, in such manner as may be specified in the notice, any receptacle or filth or sewage accumulating on the land or in the building; or
(iii) to prevent the water of any private latrine, urinal, sink or bath-room or any other offensive matter, from soaking, draining or flowing, or being put, from the land or building upon any street or other public place or into any water-course or other specified waterbody or into any drain not intended for the purpose; or
(iv) to collect and deposit for removal by the conservancy establishment of the concerned local government within such time and in such receptacle or place, situated at not more than thirty five meters from the nearest boundary of the premises, as may be specified in the notice, any offensive matter or rubbish which such person has allowed to accumulate or remain under, in or on such building or land; or
(b) require any person to desist from making or altering any drain leading into a public drain; or
(c) require any person having the control of a drain to cleanse, purify, repair or alter the same, or otherwise put it in good order, within such time as may be specified in the notice.
(3) Where any premises are without privy or urinal accommodation, or without adequate privy or urinal accommodation, or the privy or urinal is on any ground objectionable, the concerned local government may, by notice, require the owner or occupier of such premises–
(a) to provide such or such additional privy or urinal accommodation as may be specified in the notice;
(b) to make such structural or other alteration in the existing privy or urinal accommodation as may be so specified;
(c) to remove the privy or urinal; and
(d) where there is any underground sewerage system to substitute connected privy or connected urinal accommodation for any service privy or service-urinal accommodation.
(4) In case the owner or occupier of any building or land who has been served notice under sub-paragraph (3), fails to make arrangements to the satisfaction of the concerned local authority for the matter referred to in this paragraph, the concerned local government may undertake such roles and the cost so incurred shall be deemed to be a tax levied under the Act on the owner or occupier.
60. Private latrines.–The concerned local government may, by notice in writing,–
(a) require the owner or other person having the control of any private latrine or urinal not to put the same to public use; or
(b) where any plan for the construction of private latrines or urinals has been approved by the concerned local government and copies thereof may be obtained free of charge on application,–
(i) require any person repairing or constructing any private latrine or urinal not to allow the same to be used until it has been inspected by or under the direction of the concerned local government and approved by it as conforming with such plan; or
(ii) require any person having control of any private latrine or urinal to re-build or alter the same in accordance with such plan; or
(c) require the owner or other person having the control of any such private latrine or urinal which, in the opinion of the concerned local government constitutes a nuisance, to remove the latrine or urinal; or
(d) require any person having the control whether as owner, lessee or occupier of any land or building–
(i) to have any latrines provided for the same covered by a sufficient roof and wall or fence from the view of persons passing by or dwelling in the neighbourhood, or
(ii) to keep such latrine or urinal in proper state to the satisfaction of the concerned local government and shall employ such staff for the purpose as may be necessary or as may be specified by the local government.
(e) require any person being the owner and having the control of any drain to provide, within ten days from the service of the notice, such covering as may be specified in the notice.
61. Bathing and washing places.– The concerned local government may from time to time–
(a) set apart suitable places for use by the public for bathing;
(b) specify the time at which and the gender of persons by whom such places may be used; and
(c) prohibit by public notice, the use by the public for any of the said purposes of any place not so set apart.
Registration of Births and Deaths
62. Births and deaths.– The concerned local government shall register all births and deaths within the limits of its local area and information of such births and deaths shall be given by such persons or authorities, and shall be registered in such manner, as may be prescribed.
Streets and Street Lighting
63. Public streets.– (1) The concerned local government shall provide and maintain such public streets and other means of public communications as may be necessary.
(2) The concerned local government shall, in the manner prescribed, prepare and execute a road maintenance and development programme.
64. Streets.– (1) No new street shall be laid out except with the previous sanction of the concerned local government and in conformity with the terms and conditions of such sanction.
(2) All streets other than public streets shall be maintained in such manner as the byelaws may provide.
(3) The concerned local government may, by notice, require that any street may be paved, metalled, drained, channeled, approved or lighted in such manner as may be specified and in the event of default, the local government may have the necessary work done through its agency and the cost so incurred shall be deemed to be a tax levied on the person concerned under the Act.
(4) Government may prescribe the manner in which a street other than a public street may be converted into a public street.
65. Street lighting and electrification.– (1) The concerned local government shall take such measures as may be necessary for the proper lighting of the public streets and other public places vested in the local government by oil, gas, electricity, solar or such other illuminant as the local government may determine.
(2) The local government shall also provide or cause to be provided electricity in coordination with the concerned department to its local area for public and private purposes.
(3) The concerned local government may frame and enforce street lighting and electrification schemes.
66 Street watering.– The concerned local government shall take such measures as may be necessary for the watering of public streets for the comfort and convenience of the public, and may, for this purpose, maintain such vehicles, staff and other apparatus as may be necessary.
67. Provision of washing places.– (1) A local government may provide suitable places for the exercise by washermen of their calling, and may require payment of such fees as may be prescribed by the local government.
(2) Where the concerned local government has provided such places as aforesaid it may, by public notice, prohibit the washing of clothes by washermen at any other place within that part of the local area:
Provided that such prohibition shall not be deemed to apply to the washing by a washerman of his own clothes or of the clothes of any other person who is an occupier of the place at which they are washed.
68. Public ferries.– (1) The concerned local government may, by byelaws, provide for the licensing of boats and other vessels plying for hire in a public watercourse and may specify the terms and conditions for the grant of licences and the fees to be charged therefor.
(2) Government may declare any part of the public watercourse to be a public ferry and may entrust the management thereof to the concerned local government which shall manage and operate the public ferry in such manner and levy such toll as may be necessary.
Water Supply
69. Water supply.– (1) The concerned local government shall provide or cause to be provided to its local area a supply of wholesome water sufficient for public and private purposes.
(2) Where a piped water supply is provided, the concerned local government shall supply water to private and public premises in such manner and on payment of such charges as the byelaws may provide.
70. Private source of water supply.– (1) All private sources of water supply within the local area of the concerned local government shall be subject to control, regulation and inspection by the local government.
(2) No new well, water-pump or any other source of water for drinking purposes, shall be dug, constructed or provided except with the sanction of the concerned local government.
(3) The concerned local government may, by notice, require the owner or any person having the control of any private source of water supply used for drinking purposes–
(a) to keep the same in good order and to clean it from time to time of silt, refuse and decaying matter;
(b) to protect the same from contamination in such manner as the local government directs; and
(c) if the water therein is proved to the satisfaction of the local government to be unfit for drinking purposes, to take such measures as may be specified in the notice to prevent the use of such water for drinking purposes.
71. Public watercourses.– (1) The concerned local government may, with the previous sanction of the Government, declare any source of water, river, spring, tank, pond or public stream, or any part thereof within its local area, which is not private property, to be a public watercourse.
(2) The concerned local government may, in respect of any public watercourse, provide such amenities, make such arrangements for lifesaving, execute such works, and subject to the provisions of any law for the time being in force relating to irrigation, drainage and navigation, regulate the use thereof, as the byelaws may provide.
72. Tanks, ponds and low-lying areas.– The concerned local government may take such steps with regard to the excavation or re-excavation of tanks and ponds and the reclamation of low-lying areas as it thinks fit or, as the case may be, Government directs.
Naming or Re-Naming of Roads, Streets or Public Places
73. Power to Name or Rename a road, a street or a public place.– The concerned local government may, in the prescribed manner, name or re-name, any road, street or public place within its local area.
Sr.# | Offence | |
1. | Failure of industrial or commercial concerns to provide adequate and safe disposal of affluent or prevention of their mixing up with the water supply or sewerage system; or Discharging any dangerous chemical, inflammable, hazardous or offensive article in any drain, or sewer, public water course or public land vested in or managed, maintained or controlled by the local government in such manner as causes or is likely to cause danger to persons passing by or living or working in neighbourhood, or risk or injury to property. | |
2. | Development of a private housing scheme: without approval of a local government; or on a non-conforming use. | |
PART-II | ||
Sr. # | Offence | |
3. | Overcharging or illegally charging any tax, fee, fine, charge or rate by an employee of a local government or a contractor or his staff without the authority of a local government. | |
4. | Preparing or using counterfeit or prescribed Forms of the local government. | |
5. | Willfully obstructing any officer or servant of a local government or any person authorized to exercise power conferred under this Act. | |
6. | Failure to deliver back possession of property to the local government on cancellation and expiration of lease. | |
7. | Doing an act without license or permission when the doing of such act requires a license or permission under any of the provisions of this Act or the rules or bye-laws. | |
8. | Evasion of payment of tax or other impost lawfully levied by a local government. | |
9. | Supplying or marketing drinking water for human consumption in any form, from any source which is contaminated or suspected to be dangerous to public health, or its use has been prohibited by a local government on the ground of being unsafe for human consumption, or whose quality and suitability for human consumption has not been ascertained and certified by a laboratory authorized by the Government. | |
10. | Cultivation of agriculture produce or crop, for supply or sale to public using such manure, or irrigating it with sewer water or any such liquid as may be injurious to public health or offensive to the neighbourhood. | |
11. | Violation of the prohibitions provided in the Master Plan, the sanctioned Site Development Schemes under this Act or any other law for the time being in force including the plans and schemes sanctioned under the repealed enactments. | |
12. | Immovable encroachment in or on or under any property or any open space or land vested in or managed, maintained or controlled by a local government. | |
13. | Erection or re-erection of building over set back area or parking area or building line area required to be left open under the rules for using such space for any purpose which is not approved. | |
14. | Changing or converting into any other use any portion of a commercial building or area specified or earmarked for public parking. | |
15. | Failure to demolish or otherwise secure a building declared by the local government to be dangerous building. | |
16. | Establishing any parking stand on any property or on any open space and public park or land vested in or managed, maintained or controlled by a local government on or under a street, road, graveyard or a drain without the sanction of the concerned local government. | |
17. | Quarrying, blasting, cutting timber or carrying building operations in such manner as causes or is likely to cause danger to persons passing by or living or working in the neighbourhood. | |
18. | Erection or re-erection of a building without the sanction required under this Act or using a building for a purpose which may endanger the security of people. | |
19. | Dyeing or tanning skins within such distance of any commercial or residential areas as may be specified by the local government. | |
20. | Dumping of solid waste and refuse by any person or entity on a place other than landfill or dumping site, notified or designated by the concerned local government. | |
21. | Contravention of the prohibition or attempt or abetment of any of the offences in this Part | |
Sr.# | Offence | |
22. | Establishing any cattle market without permission of the local government. | |
23. | Establishing any bus, wagon, taxi or other commercial motorized or non-motorized vehicle stand, for purposes of plying them on different routes, on any road, street, footpath, public place or any other property vested or managed or controlled or maintained by a local government without its permission. | |
24. | Establishing or running any restaurant or vending stalls for eatables on any road, street, footpath, public place, over a drain, or any other property vesting in or managed or controlled or maintained by a local government without its permission. | |
25. | Establishing a brick kiln and lime kiln within such distance of a residential area as may be specified by the local government. | |
26. | Cutting down of any tree, or erection or demolition of any building or part of a building where such action is declared under this Act to be a cause of danger or annoyance to the public. | |
27. | Contravention of the prohibition or attempt or abetment of any of the offences in this Part. |
Sr.# | Offence | Amount of Fine |
1. | Fixing of wooden khokhas, and temporary shops or extension thereof on footpaths or beyond the street line. | Rs.4,000 |
2. | Plying of handcarts for the sale of goods without permission. | Rs.500 |
3. | Failure by the owner or occupier of any land to clear away and remove any vegetation declared by a local government to be injurious to health or offensive to neighbourhoods. | Rs.1,000 |
4. | Slaughtering of animals for the sale of meat at a place other than the place set apart for the purpose. | Rs.4,000 |
5. | Without the permission of the local government, causing or knowingly or negligently allowing the contents of any sink, sewer or cesspool or any other offensive matter to flow, or drain or to be put upon any street, or public place, or into irrigation channel or any sewer or drain not set apart for the purpose. | Rs.10,000 in case of industrial concerns, Rs.5,000 in case of commercial concerns and Rs.2,000 for others. |
6. | Keeping or maintaining any cattle in any part of the prohibited zone or failure to remove the cattle from the prohibited zone within the specified time when an order to this effect has been made. | Rs.5,000 |
7. | Keeping ferocious dogs or other animals in residential areas or taking such animals to public places or the areas specified by the local government, without leash or chain and without being muzzled or to set at large any animal or dog infected with rabies or any other infectious disease. | Rs.10,000 |
8. | Obstructing or tampering with any road, street, drain or pavement. | Rs.5,000 |
9. | Obstructing or tampering with any main pipe, meter or any apparatus or appliance for the supply of water or sewerage system. | Rs.5,000 |
10. | Without the previous sanction of the local government: 1. laying out a drain or altering any drain in a street or road; 2. connecting any house drain with a drain in a public street; and 3. drawing off, diverting or taking any water except with the permission required under this Act. | Rs.5,000 |
11. | Without prior permission of the local government, excavation of earth, stone or any other material within such distance of the residential area as specified by the local government. | Rs.5,000 |
12. | Burying or burning a dead body at a place which is not a public or registered burial or burning place, except with the sanction of the local government. | Rs.5,000 |
13. | Failure to furnish, on requisition, information in respect of any matter which a local government is authorized to call for under any of the provisions of this Act, rules or bye-laws or furnishing wrong information. | Rs.5000 |
14. | Obstructing lawful seizure of animals liable to be impounded on the ground of violations of rules or by-laws governing the picketing, tethering, keeping, milching or slaughter of animals or their trespass of private or public property. | Rs.5,000 |
15. | Picketing, parking animals or collecting carts or vehicles on any street, using any street as a halting place for vehicle or animals or as a place encampment without the permission of the local government. | Rs.1,000 |
16. | Causing or permitting animals to stray or keeping, tethering, stalling, feeding or gazing any cattle on any road, street or thoroughfare or in any public place or damaging or causing or permitting to be damaged any road, street or thoroughfare by allowing cattle to move thereon. | Rs.1,000 |
17. | Disposal of carcasses of animals within prohibited distance. | Rs.5,000 |
18. | Failure to dispose of offal, fat or any organ or part of a dead animal in a place set apart for the purpose by the local government. | Rs.3,000 |
19. | Throwing or placing any refuse, litter or garbage on any street, or in any place, not provided or appointed for the purpose by a local government. | Rs.1,000 |
20. | Failure to provide for disposal of litter or garbage inside or outside a shop by its owner or occupier. | Rs.1,000 |
21. | Failure to maintain clean premises of the area in front of a shop, office or factory up to the public street or road serving this facility. | Rs.2,000 |
22. | Watering cattle or animals, or bathing or washing at or near a well or other source of drinking water for the public. | Rs.1,000 |
23. | Steeping hemp, jute or any other plant in or near a pond or any other excavation within such distance of the residential area as may be specified by a local government. | Rs.2,000 |
24. | Failure to provide, close, remove, alter, repair, clean, disinfect or put in proper order any latrine, urinal drain, cesspool or other receptacle for filth, sullage, water or refuse by an owner or occupier of a house, shop, office, industry or premises. | Rs.5,000 in case of industrial concerns, Rs.3,000 in case of commercial concerns and Rs.2,000 for others. |
25. | Failure to clean the premises, houses, shops and cultivated lands of the plastic bags and other non-perishable materials. | Rs.1,000 |
26. | Damaging or polluting physical environment, inside or outside private or public premises, in a manner to endanger public health. | Rs.4,000 for public premises and Rs.1,000 for private premises |
27. | Failure by the owner or occupier of any land to cut or trim the hedges growing thereon which overhang any well, tank or other source from which water is derived for public use. | Rs.1,000 |
28. | Failure by the owner or occupier of any land or building to clean, repair, cover, fill up or drain off any private well, tank or other source of water supply, which is declared under this Act to be injurious to health or offensive to the neighbourhood. | Rs.2,000 |
29. | Failure to stop leakages of water pipes, faucets and sanitary fittings resulting in dirty water pools affecting physical environments and breeding of mosquitoes. | Rs.2,000 |
30. | Failure of an owner or occupier of any building or land to put up and keep in good condition troughs and pipes for receiving or carrying water or sullage water. | Rs.2,000 |
31. | Defacing or disturbing, without due authorization, any direction-post, lamp post or lamp extinguishing or any light arranged by a local government. | Rs.2,000 |
32. | Fixing any bill, notice, playcard, poster or other paper or means of advertisement against or upon any private or public building or place other than the places fixed for the purpose by a local government. | Rs.10,000 |
33. | Exhibiting any obscene advertisement. | Rs.20,000 |
34. | Loud playing of music or radio, beating of drum or tom-tom, blowing a horn or beating or sounding any brass or other instruments or utensils in contravention of any general or special prohibition issued by a local government or in and around a hospital or an educational institution. | Rs.5,000 |
35. | Loud shouting in abusive language causing distress to the inhabitants of a neighbourhood or Village or any other public place. | Rs.2,000 |
36. | Using or allowing the use for human habitation of a building declared by a local government to be unfit for human habitation. | Rs.2,000 |
37. | Failure to lime-wash or repair a building, if so required by local government. | Rs.2,000 |
38. | Begging importunately for alms by exposing any deformity or disease or any offensive sore or wound to solicit charity. | Rs.1,000 |
39. | Causing or permitting to be caused by any owner or keeper of an animal which, through neglect or otherwise, damages any land or crop or produce of land, or any public road. | Rs.2,000 |
40. | Selling cattle and animals in contravention of any law, rule or by-laws of a local government. | Rs.2,000 |
41. | Digging of public land without the permission in writing of local government. | Rs.2,000 |
42. | Contravention of any prohibition or direction of the local government issued under this Act or the rules. | Rs.1,000 |
43. | Attempt or abetment of any of the offence in this Schedule. | Same as for the offence specified in the Schedule |
Name & Address of the Offender: ______________ NIC No. _____________ Particulars of Offence:(Section of Law with details of offences: ____________________________________ Date of commission of Offence: Amount of Fine: Rs. ________________ (in letters) Date by which the Fine is to be paid ________________ (Note: The amount of fine shall be deposited in Bank) Corrective actions ordered:_________________________ | Name & Address of the Offender: ______________ NIC No. _____________ Particulars of Offence:(Section of Law with details of offences: ________________________________ Date of commission of Offence: Amount of Fine: Rs.____________ (in letters) Date by which the Fine is to be paid _______________ (Note: The amount of fine shall be deposited in Bank) Corrective actions ordered:_______________________ | Name & Address of the Offender: ______________ NIC No. _____________ Particulars of Offence:(Section of Law with details of offences: _________________________________ Date of commission of Offence: Amount of Fine: Rs._____________ (in letters) Date by which the Fine is to be paid _______________ (Note: The amount of fine shall be deposited in Bank) Corrective actions ordered:________________________ | Name & Address of the Offender: ______________ NIC No. ______________ Particulars of Offence:(Section of Law with details of offences: ____________________________________ Date of commission of Offence: Amount of Fine: Rs. ________________ (in letters) Date by which the Fine is to be paid ________________ (Note: The amount of fine shall be deposited in Bank) Corrective actions ordered:_________________________ |
Name of the Court having jurisdiction: ________________________________ Signature or Thumb Impression of the Offender: __________________________________ Signatures of Inspector/ Seal __________________________________ Copy-1 (To be retained by Inspector) | Name of the Court having jurisdiction: ________________________ Signature or Thumb Impression of the Offender: ______________________________ Signatures of Inspector/ Seal _____________________________ Copy-2 (To be retained by Offender on payment of fine) | Name of the Court having jurisdiction: ______________________________ Signature or Thumb Impression of the Offender: ________________________________ Signatures of Inspector/ Seal _________________ Copy-3 (To be returned to Inspector by offender after payment within ten days) | Name of the Court having jurisdiction: ________________________________ Signature or Thumb Impression of the Offender: __________________________________ Signatures of Inspector/ Seal _________________ Copy-4 (To be sent by the Bank to the local Accounts Officer) |