[14th April, 2003]
- Short title and commencement– (1)These rules may be called the Punjab Local Government (Citizen Community Boards) Rules, 2003.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
- Definitions.- (1)In these rules unless the subject or context otherwise requires-
- “CCB” means a Citizen Community Board as defined in the Ordinance;
(ii) “CCB official” means such official of the District Government, Tehsil Municipal Administration or Union Administration, as the case may be, to whom the project proposals are submitted by the CCBs;
Explanation:-CCB official means for the District Government the Executive District Officer (Community Development), for the Tehsil Town Municipal Administration the Tehsil/Town Officer (Planning) and for Union Administration Secretary Community Development;
(iii) “Charter” means the constitution of a CCB, to be subscribed and signed by the founder members, as herein provided and includes the purposes, aims, and the mode of functioning of a CCB;
(iv) “form” means a form prescribed under these rules;
(v) “founder member” constitutes the signatory to the Charter of a CCB which has been submitted for registration;
(vi) “Government” means the Government of the Punjab in Local Government and Rural Development Department;
(vii) “member of CCB” means a person whose name has been included in the Register of Members;
(viii) “Ordinance” means the Punjab Local Government Ordinance, 2001 (XIII of 2001);
(ix) “project proposal” means the proposal which is submitted by a CCB to the concerned CCB official for approval by the Council;
(x) “register of CCBs” means the register to be kept at the offices of, and maintained by, the Registration Authority wherein the names, addresses, and specified particulars of the registered CCBs and their executive members are recorded;
- “register of members” means the register to be kept at the designated office of a CCB, wherein the names, addresses, and other specified information relating to all its members are recorded;
- “Registration Authority” means the District Officer (Registration), working under Executive District Officer (Community Development) who is declared as such by a District Government;
(xiii) “responsible person” means-
(a) the Chairman of a CCB;
(b) the Secretary of a CCB; and
(c) any other member of a CCB who is, in writing, declared as such by any of the persons mentioned above; and
(xiv) “Schedule” means a schedule to these rules.
- Words and expressions used herein but not defined in these rules shall have the same meanings as are assigned to them in the Ordinance.
3. Application for availability of name for a CCB.– (1)Persons desirous of being registered as a CCB under these rules shall make an application on a plain paper duly signed by at least two founder members along with photocopy of their National Identity Cards to the concerned Registration Authority requesting information as to whether the proposed name is available for registration.
(2) Each CCB registered under these rules shall include the name of the Union at the end, within whose territorial jurisdiction its office is situated. The name of a CCB shall be on the following format-
[Name] (CCB) [Name of the Union Council in which the office is to be registered].
(3) A CCB shall not be registered by a name identical to or so nearly resembling that of a registered CCB or other entity that it may deceive a man of ordinary prudence.
(4) A confirmation of availability of name by the Registration Authority shall be provided on CCB Form 1.
(5) If for any reason the Registration Authority does not respond within fifteen days of the receipt of application, approval to use the name proposed by such CCB shall be deemed to have been given.
(6) The name of the proposed CCB shall be reserved for a period of one month by the Registration Authority after which the CCB shall have to apply again for ensuring the availability of the name.
4. Change of name of a registered CCB.- (1)A registered CCB intending to change its name, shall follow the same procedure as that for a new CCB as provided in rule 3.
(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these rules, if the Registration Authority is of the opinion that the name of a registered CCB is deceptive, inappropriate or may exploit or offend religious susceptibilities of the people, the Registration Authority shall require such CCB to change its name.
5. Application for registration as CCB.- (1) A group of persons not less than twenty-five non-elected persons may, by subscribing to the Charter, register themselves with the Registration Authority as a CCB. (Attached as First Schedule).
(2) CCB shall be registered at the office stated in the Charter of the CCB; provided that such office shall be within the limits of the district.
(3) There shall be no limit on the number of CCBs, which may be registered in a local area.
(4) A request for registration as a CCB shall be accompanied by-
(i) an application on a plain paper duly signed by its Chairman and Secretary;
(ii) three copies of the Charter which shall be duly subscribed and witnessed;
(iii) a copy of the confirmation received from the Registration Authority that the proposed name for the CCB is available or evidence that a copy of the application was deposited at least fifteen days prior to the date of application for registration; and
(iv) a list of at least twenty-five founder members in the form hereto annexed as CCB Form 2.
(5) The Registration Authority on being satisfied, after such enquiry and after obtaining such further information, as it may consider necessary, shall issue a certificate of registration within fifteen days in the CCB Form 3.
(6) If the Registration Authority does not object to the registration as a CCB within thirty days of the date on which the application for registration is made, the registration shall be issued to the CCB.
(7) The registration shall be valid within the district under the jurisdiction of the Registration Authority and shall not require renewal.
(8) The Registration Authority by an order, for the reasons to be recorded in writing, may refuse registration if it is satisfied that the objectives, functions or activities proposed to be carried out are opposed to public policy or contrary to the law or the rules.
(9) Before making an order under sub-rule (8), the Registration Authority shall give a notice in writing within fifteen days to the Chairman or Secretary of the proposed CCB to show cause, on or before a date specified therein which shall not be less than fifteen days, as to why the application for registration should not be rejected.
(10) Any person aggrieved by an order of the Registration Authority under sub-rule (9), may appeal in writing to the concerned District Coordination Officer within thirty days of the date of such order. The District Coordination Officer, after providing an opportunity of being heard to the appellant, shall communicate his decision in writing to the CCB within thirty days.
(11) Any person after the rejection of the appeal by the District Coordination Officer or on not receiving a reply within thirty days from the District Coordination Officer as provided in sub-rule (10) may appeal to the concerned Zila Council within thirty days of the date of such rejection by the District Coordination Officer or within thirty days of the expiry of the fifteen days period. Such appeal shall be taken up by the Zila Council in the next meeting. The decision of the Zila Council shall be final.
6. Documents to be filed with the Registration Authority.- (1) Once in every year, on or before the 31st of August, each CCB shall file with the Registration Authority, the following documents:-
(i) list of its members with National Identity Card numbers;
(ii) particulars of its Chairman, members of the Executive Committee,and the Secretary;
(iii) copies of the audited annual accounts of the previous year. Thesis shall be submitted by 31st December following the close of the financial year in June; and
(iv) list of development projects undertaken.
(2) If, or when, deemed appropriate the Registration Authority may request for copies of such documents as it may require.
7. Mode of submission of documents.- (1) Every application, form or document submitted by a CCB shall, in addition to complying with any other requirement of the Ordinance or these rules, be-
(i) signed and certified by a responsible person of the CCB;
(ii) accompanied by documents referred to in the application;
(iii) accompanied by one spare copy, duly signed, dated and verified; and
(iv) accompanied by the original receipt of the treasury or bank or post office, as the case may be, as evidence of payment of the prescribed fee where applicable.
(2) Any application, document, statement, return, or report shall be delivered, either in person or through an agent, against receipt, to addressee or sent to such addressee by registered post.
(3) Any person may inspect the record of a CCB available with the Registration Authority or with any other office of the local government upon a written request indicating the reason for inspection.
8. Changes in Charter.- (1) A CCB desirous to make any change in their Charter may do so; provided that it has, by written notice, intimated the changes to the Registration Authority.
(2) Such change in the Charter shall become effective upon confirmation by the Registration Authority in writing.
(3) In case the Registration Authority does not confirm the change within thirty days of the date on which such intimation was received by the Registration Authority, such change shall be deemed effective to the extent that it does not contravene the provisions of the Ordinance or these rules.
9. Payment of fee.- (1) There shall be paid in respect of the matters mentioned in the Second Schedule, the fee therein specified.
(2) The Provincial Government may through a notification in the official Gazette, change the fee structure mentioned in the Second Schedule from time to time.
10. Dissolution of the CCB.- (1) A CCB may be dissolved or deregistered by the Registration Authority after approval of the Zila Council if –
(i) in the opinion of the Registration Authority, based on the report of the inquiry official, the CCB is unable to carry out its functions in accordance with the Ordinance or these rules; or
(ii) a CCB, by a resolution passed by not less than seventy-five percent of its members, resolves to be dissolved or deregistered.
(2) The CCB official, through the Zila Nazim, shall put up the case of dissolution to the Council.
(3) The Zila Council shall allow dissolution after examination of the- Charter and accounts including liabilities and other documents of the CCB.
(4) An application for dissolution submitted by a CCB to the Registration Authority under sub-rule (1) (ii) shall be deemed to have been accepted by the concerned Zila Council after a period of sixty days unless reasons for the delay are intimated to the CCB in writing by the Registration Authority.
(5) Upon dissolution the Registration Authority shall appoint an administrator to deal with the matters relating to the dissolution of a CCB. The assets of the CCB shall continue to be used for community welfare by the respective local government.
11. Development project identification by CCBs.- (1) The CCB project shall be identified within the policy guidelines and framework of the local government concerned to which the CCB project shall be submitted for funding.
(2) CCB funds are earmarked in the development budget at all levels of local governments and a CCB may submit project proposals to any level of local government.
(3) A CCB shall identify project proposals in accordance with the classification of projects issued by the local government concerned and submit to the concerned CCB official in accordance with the time frame provided in the Third Schedule or as notified by a local government.
(4) CCB projects shall be initiated at the grass root level in every local area, and the residents thereof shall primarily be involved in determining the development needs for such local area.
(5) Project concepts shall be discussed with the concerned sectoral office of the local government to which the project relates. The concerned CCB official shall arrange the meetings for the CCBs with the sectoral offices.
(6) A CCB shall identify projects subject to the following:-
(i) classification of schemes issued by the concerned local government;
(ii) needs of the community;
(iii) capacity to implement the project;
(iv) cost-benefit analysis;
(v) duration of the project;
(vi) financial implications;
(vii) compatibility with availability of the resources; and
(viii) sustainability.
12. Preparation of project proposals by CCBs.- (1) The concerned local government sectoral office to which the project relates shall prepare the cost estimates, determining the viability and other issues relating to the project.
(2) The CCB shall prepare project proposal in CCB Form-4 and submit to the concerned CCB official according to the time frame in the Third Schedule or as notified by the concerned local government each year.
(3) A CCB may, in addition to twenty percent share mentioned in rule 13(iii), make contribution towards the cost of a project “in kind”. The “in kind” contribution shall be considered as additional contribution and included in the ranking and evaluation of the proposal.
(4) Where two or more local governments of the same level are involved in a project, the concurrence of the concerned Nazims shall be included in the proposal.
(5) A CCB shall only submit those projects to a local government, which relate to the functions of that local government as defined in the Ordinance.
13. Processing of CCB project by local government.- (1) The CCB official shall confirm the following before submitting the project proposal to the concerned Development and Planning Officer:-
(i) the CCB concerned is duly registered under the Ordinance and these rules;
(ii) the project proposal is in conformity with the classification issued by the local government concerned;
(iii) CCB draft in the amount equal to the twenty percent share in a project is attached, which shall be returned to CCB after the decision of the council concerned. The draft shall be in the name of the CCB; and
(iv) the project proposal submitted is in conformity with CCB Form-4.
14. Ranking of CCB project proposals by Development and Planning Officer.- (1) The concerned Development and Planning Officer shall draw up a first statement specifying the projects proposed by the CCB by classification including the total amount of a contribution for a particular classification of the project based on the policy frame work. For details see Schedule V.
(2) A second statement shall determine contribution amounts for a particular classification for the project as a ratio of the total contributions for all projects of CCBs for that year and the statement shall be used to determine amount of allocations for a classification of projects from the budgets reserved for the purpose. For details see Schedule.
(3) A third statement shall be drawn up which shall identify the number of projects included in a particular classification beginning with the projects containing the highest contribution by the CCB in a classification, until all the projects in this classification are selected or the funds allocated for that particular classification in the amount determined in sub rule (2) above are exhausted. For details see Schedule V.
(4) The “in kind” contribution shall be considered as additional contribution of the CCB while making the ranking in the third statement. The determination of the market value of the “in kind” contribution shall be made by the sectoral office of the local government concerned to which the project relates.
(5) The Development and Planning Officer shall submit the CCB Projects to the Finance and Budget Officer for inclusion in the Annual Development Programme.
15. Approval of project proposals by the Council.- (1) The concerned Council shall approve such CCB Project Proposals as it deems necessary.
(2) The projects approved by the Council shall be communicated to the CCBs concerned, through the concerned CCB official after approval of the budget.
16. CCB bank accounts etc.- (1) After approval of a project by the Council a CCB shall-
(i) open an account for that project with a bank or post office within the limits of the local area in which the CCB has its office; and
(ii) deposit its share of the cost of the project approved by the Council.
(2) A CCB shall open separate accounts for each project.
(3) The accounts, opened and maintained by a CCB, shall be operated jointly by the Chairman and Secretary of the CCB.
(4) A CCB shall not incur debt.
17. Project implementation by CCB.- (1) A CCB, upon receipt of approved project budget estimates, shall submit the following documents to the concerned CCB official dealing with CCBs:-
(i) certificate of a bank or post office showing evidence of deposit of twenty percent share of the CCB;
(ii) copy of duly executed agreement with the local government concerned as per CCB Form-5; and
(iii) request for first installment as per CCB Form-6.
(2) A CCB shall implement duly approved projects as specified in the project agreement by itself.
(3) A CCB shall implement the project within the allocated funds and within the allowed time frame.
(4) Upon submission of the documents to be filed under sub-rule (1) above the CCB official shall, in accordance with the disbursement schedule in the agreement referred to in sub-rule (1) (ii) above, transfer the first installment into the account specified by the CCB under sub-rule (1) (i) above.
(5) Subsequent transfer of installments by the local government concerned shall be made in accordance with the schedule agreed to between the CCB and the local government concerned.
(6) The release of subsequent installment shall be subject to the approval of the concerned local government.
(7) The installment shall be released to the CCB as per the agreed schedule within thirty days from the receipt of request made by the CCB.
(8) In case of delay in the release of installment within 30 days the CCB may approach the Council for release of the installment, which shall take up the matter in its next meeting.
(9) The release of installments to CCBs shall have priority over other expenditures of the local government.
(10) The respective accounts official shall not make any payment against the budget if-
(i) twenty-five percent of the development budget has not been reserved for CCBs; and
(ii) the unspent balance from the previous reserved CCB amount has not been added to the CCB allocation in the current year budget.
(11) The respective accounts officer shall ensure that the reserved amount for CCB is safeguarded during the budget year and is spent solely for that purpose.
18. Project monitoring and evaluation.- (1) Projects of CCB shall be subject to monitoring and evaluation by the respective Monitoring Committee constituted under the Ordinance or by any other agency/official(s) notified by the local government concerned.
(2) The Monitoring Committee shall prepare a monitoring and evaluation report of the CCB Projects and shall submit the same to the Council and the Nazim concerned.
(3) The Monitoring Committee shall neither interfere in the day to day affairs of the CCB nor shall it stop the work of the CCB.
(4) The CCBs shall provide access, to all its record, to the Monitoring Committee or any other agency/official(s) notified by the local government concerned.
(5) Monitoring of CCBs by a local government shall be non-intrusive.
19. Budget re-appropriation.- (1) A CCB shall remain within the approved budget allocation.
(2) The re-appropriation up to a maximum of twenty percent of the approved budget in any head may be done by the CCB.
(3) For the re-appropriation beyond twenty percent in a head, prior approval of the CCB official shall be required.
(4) The request for re-appropriation shall be submitted on CCB Form 7.
20. Excesses and surrenders in the budget- (1) The authority to accept or reject any additional expenditure over and above the approved budget shall vest with the respective Council. The Council shall consider the recommendations of the concerned sectoral office of the local government in this respect and the availability of budgetary provisions.
(2) Excess requirements of funds shall be granted by the respective council with such conditions as it may deem fit.
(3) Surrenders shall be allowed upon the following conditions:-
(i) the CCB shall have completed the project as per the approved budget proposal and the agreement with the local government concerned; and
(ii) the funds so surrendered by the CCB shall be deemed as the share or part of the share of such CCB for the purposes of future project proposals submitted by such CCB.
(4) Request for excesses and surrenders shall be made in CCB Form-8.
21. Audit and accounts.- (1) The Secretary of the CCB under the general supervision and control of the Executive Committee shall maintain proper records of all transactions, assets and liabilities of the CCB.
(2) The CCB shall follow the procurement and executing procedure approved by its General Body. Such procedure shall be based on the principle of financial propriety and sound procurement practices.
(3) The respective local government may require the CCB to furnish such financial information, as it may deem necessary, or maintain accounts in the prescribed manner.
(4) The accounts of the CCB shall be audited as prescribed by the Auditor General of Pakistan, in case of project being carried out with the assistance of District Government, and by Local Fund Audit Department, in case of projects being carried out with the assistance of Tehsil Municipal Administration and Union Administration.
(5) The CCB shall provide access to all its record to the auditor.
[See Rule 107]
We, the several persons who have subscribed to this Charter are desirous of being registered as a Citizen Community Board under the Punjab Local Government Ordinance, 2001, and to this end, adopt, enact and covenant to be bound by this Charter, as follows-
- Definitions.-
In these Articles, unless the context or the subject matter otherwise requires-
- “Articles” means the articles of this Charter.
- “CCB” means this [ Name of CCB].
- “Chairman” means the chairman of the CCB.
- “Executive Committee” means the executive committee of the CCB as formed under this charter.
- “Project Coordinator” means a member of the CCB appointed under Article 14 of this Charter.
- “Secretary” means the secretary of the CCB.
- Words imparting masculine gender shall include the feminine gender.
- Name.-
The name of the CCB shall be “[NAME] Citizen Community Board [NAME OF UNION]”, hereinafter referred to as the “CCB”.
- Address.-
The registered address of the CCB shall be at [ADDRESS OF CCB].
- Field, sector or sub-sector of operation.-
[ ] Agriculture
[ ] Community Development
[ ] Education
[ ] Health
[ ] Information Technology
[ ] Literacy
[ ] Works and Services
[ ] Other sector (please specify)
Sub-sectors: [ ] (please specify)
- Objectives of the CCB.-
The CCB has been established to undertake any or all of the following-
- improvement of existing service delivery facilities;
- development and management of a new public facility;
- welfare of the handicapped, destitute, widows and families in extreme poverty;
- establishment of farming, marketing and consumers’ cooperatives;
- identification of development and municipal needs;
- mobilization of resources through community mobilization;
- formation of stakeholder associations for community involvement in the improvement and maintenance of facilities; and
- reinforcing the capacity of Monitoring Committees at the behest of the concerned Council.
- Members and Classification.-
- The CCB may have the following categories of members-
- “Founder members”: These constitute the members who are signatories to the Charter; and
- “Members”: These constitute individual registered members.
- Each member shall have one vote, and may vote at any general body meeting personally or through a proxy. A proxy must be a member of the CCB.
- The General Body may establish additional classes of members upon such terms and conditions as it may deem fit.
- Application for resignation as a member shall be presented in writing to the Secretary on a plain paper.
- All types of CCB members shall be volunteers. In case a member accepts any paid assignment on behalf of the CCB, the concerned member shall have to resign from the membership of the CCB. A period of six months must elapse upon the last payment received from the CCB before that member can become a member of the CCB again.
- Functions of the General Body.-
- The number of members of the General Body shall not be less than twenty five (25).
- The functions of the General Body shall be-
- to elect an Executive Committee (including the Chairman, Secretary and other office bearers) with such powers and responsibilities, and on such terms and conditions as the General Body may determine to carry out the affairs of the CCB;
- to approve the plans and activities of the Executive Committee;
- to approve the proposals submitted to local governments;
- to ensure the implementation of it plans and activities through the Executive Committee;
- to approve the Rules and Regulations for the Executive Committee and the members of the CCB;
- to review and approve the reports and statements submitted to it by the Executive Committee;
- to approve amendments in the Charter of the CCB;
- to approve the annual accounts of the CCB;
- to set membership classes and fees; and
- to discuss any other matter relating to the CCB.
- General Body Meetings.-The first General Body meeting after the registration of the CCB shall be held within thirty (30) days of the date of registration of the CCB.A General Body meeting shall be held atleast every three months. The Executive Committee may convene a General Body meeting when required.A General Body meeting shall be convened on the requisition, in writing, of a simple majority of the CCB’s members.At least fifteen days notice (exclusive of the day on which the notice is served, but inclusive of the day for which notice is given), specifying the place and the day and the time of meeting, and the agenda, shall be given for all General Body meetings to all members, but the accidental omission to give notice to, or the non receipt of notice by, any member, shall not invalidate the proceedings at any General Body meeting.
(6) No business shall be transacted at any General Body meeting unless a quorum of members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. A simple majority of the total members of the CCB shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned to the same time and venue seven (7) dayslater.
(7) Except as otherwise provided by law, these Rules or this Charter, the act of a majority of the members present at any meeting shall be the act of the CCB in the General Body meeting provided that in case of a tie, the Chairman of the CCB (i.e. Executive Committee) shall have a second and casting vote.
- Executive Committee.-
- The Executive Committee shall have, and exercise, all powers vested in it by law and this Charter.
- Subject to law and this Charter, the management of the affairs of the CCB and property both movable and immovable of the CCB shall vest in the Executive Committee.
- A CCB shall sue and be sued in the name of its Executive Committee. A judgement against the CCB shall only be enforced against the property of the CCB.
- The number of the members of the Executive Committee of the CCB, except in case of a casual vacancy occurring as per sub-Rule 10, shall not be less than seven (7).
- The maximum limit on its membership may be fixed from time to time by the General Body; provided, however, that the total number of members of the Executive Committee shall not exceed fifteen (11).
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the following-
- a Chairman;
- a Secretary; and
- and office bearers as decided by the General Body.
- The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected from amongst the members of the CCB by the General Body.
- Members of the Executive Committee shall hold office for a term of two years,and shall be eligible for the next following term. However, after completing two consecutive terms, the Chairman and Secretary shall vacate the office of the Executive Committee for at least one term before becoming eligible for re-election.
- The General Body may, by a resolution passed by a simple majority, fill any casual vacancy arising in the Executive Committee howsoever caused. However, the term of the person so chosen shall be for the remaining life of the Executive Committee.
- In case of casual vacancy in the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall act as if no vacancy had occurred and no act or proceedings of the Executive Committee shall be deemed to be invalid merely by reason of such vacancy, or a delay in the appointment of a new member; provided, however, that the total number of members of the Executive Committee shall not be less than seven (5).
- The General Body may, by a resolution passed by a simple majority of its total members, remove any member of the Executive Committee from the office of the Executive Committee.
- Functions of the Executive Committee.-
The functions of the Executive Committee shall be-
- to develop plans and activities for approval by the General Body;
- to prepare periodic reports and statements for the General Body;
- to identify and develop project proposals for funding from the local governments and other agencies;
- manage the day to day affairs of the CCB as per the resolutions passed by the General Body;
- to appoint Project Coordinators with such powers and responsibilities and on such terms and conditions, as it may determine;
- constitute and appoint sub-committees for such purposes as it deems necessary; and
- any other function assigned to it by the General Body.
- Working of the Executive Committee.-
- The Chairman shall preside over all the meetings of the Executive Committee. If the Chairman is absent the members of the Executive Committee present may elect any other member to act as Chairman for that meeting.
- The Secretary shall, subject to the general control and supervision of the Executive Committee, perform such functions as may be assigned to him by the Executive Committee, from time to time.
- The Secretary shall, record or cause to be recorded in the books, all proceedings of the meetings of the Executive Committee and the General Body. The Secretary shall give all notices in accordance with law and this Charter, and shall be the custodian of the financial and accounting records of the CCB.
- Subject to law and this Charter, the Executive Committee may meet for the disposal of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings, as it deems fit and lay down such proceedings as it considers necessary for its efficient working.
- The Executive Committee shall meet whenever convened by the Chairman or, by a simple majority of the members of the Executive Committee.
- A simple majority of the total members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business of the Executive Committee.
- In the absence of a quorum, a meeting may be adjourned till such time as the quorum is complete; provided always that a meeting of the Executive Committee must take place atleast once every month.
- Except as otherwise provided by law or this Charter, the act of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee present at any meeting (at which a quorum is present) shall be the act of the Executive Committee. In the case of a tie, the Chairman shall have a second and casting vote.
- Any member of the CCB shall have the right to attend the meetings of the Executive Committee but not vote unless the member is a member of the Executive Committee.
- First Executive Committee.-
(1) The particulars of the first members of the Executive Committee are the following-
Sr.# | Name and ID Card Number | Parentage | Residential Address | Present Occupation & Business Address | Membership of other Voluntary Organizations |
(2) The Chairman of the CCB is [NAME].
(3) The Secretary of the CCB is [NAME].
- Sub-Committees.-
(1) The Executive Committee may constitute and appoint sub-committees for such purposes as it deems necessary and on such terms and conditions as it may, from time to time, determine.
(2) The sub-committees so constituted shall meet as often as may be necessary and shall exercise all powers and functions as may be assigned to them by the Executive Committee.
(3) The term of the members of sub-committees shall be such as may be decided by the Executive Committee.
- CCB Project Management.-
(1) The Executive Committee shall appoint for each project a Project Coordinator, who shall be a member of the CCB. The Executive Committee shall have the powers to remove a Project Coordinator.
(2) The duties of the Project Coordinator shall include but not be limited to-
- supervising and administering the Project assigned to him by the Executive Committee;
- preparing progress reports for submission to the Executive Committee, as and when required;
- disbursing funds for the Project assigned to him according to the approved budget of the project;
- constituting such working groups of members as may be necessary to assist him in his duties and functions; and
- performing any other duty, which the Executive Committee may, from time to time, assign.
- Notice.-
Wherever notice of a meeting is required to be given by law or hereunder due notice shall be deemed to have been served when the Secretary sends a written communication by mail, telegram, facsimile or by hand under a receipt, addressed to the members of the Executive Committee or the members, as the case may be, at the address in the Register.
- Amendments in the Charter.-
(1) Subject to the law, the Rules and this Charter, this Charter may be amended or repealed and new Articles may be adopted at the General Body meeting by a resolution passed by at least three fourths majority of the total members of the CCB personally present and voting.
(2) The amendments approved in a General Body shall not be effective unless approved by the Registration Authority.
- Internal Procedures.-The CCB may make such internal procedures to provide for matters not specifically or sufficiently set out herein, provided, however, that such procedure shall not, directly or indirectly, contravene the provisions of the Ordinance, the Rules or this Charter. The CCB shall be at liberty to prescribe such fees or other charges, as it may deem fit, for the purposes of its membership and the conduct of its members and matters ancillary or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the CCB.
- Miscellaneous [To be filled in the discretion of the CCB].-
We, the undersigned, hereby verify and attest our submission to this Charter.
Sr. # | Name | Father’s name | Nationality with any former nationality (if any) | Occupation And Business Address | Residential address | Membership of other Voluntary Organizations | Signature |
Dated the ________ day of ___________ 20___.
Witnesses to the above signatures-
1. Name : __________________________
Father’s Name : __________________________
Occupation : __________________________
Address : __________________________
National I.D. No. : __________________________
2. Name : __________________________
Father’s Name : __________________________
Occupation : __________________________
Address : __________________________
National I.D. No. : __________________________
[See Rule 111]
- Registration Fee Rs. 50/-
- Copying Fee Rs. 2/- per page
- Changes in Charter Rs. 50/-
[See Rule 113]
CCB – Project submission and approval time frame
Module | Activity | Target date | |
1 | CCBs identify and develop projects through out the period January to November every year | January to November | |
2. | Guidelines/ Classification identifying the priority sectors for CCBs to be issued by each local government to the CCBs | October 15th | |
3. | Project Proposals submitted to the CCB official. Copy provided to the Budget and Development Committee. | December 15th | |
4 | Review of CCBs Project proposals by the Budget and Development Committee | March 1st | |
5. | Changes in the CCB Project Proposals recommended by the Budget and Development Committee and provided to the CCBs by the concerned CCB official | March 15th | |
6 | Re submission of Project proposals by CCBs to Budget and Development Committee through the CCB official. | April | |
7. | Approval of the Annual Budget by the respective Council. | End of June | |
8 | Intimation of approval/non-approval of the project proposals to CCBs by the concerned CCB official. | 1st week of July | |
9 | Implementation of approved project by the CCBs as per project agreement. | As in agreement and approved project document |
CCB Form – 1
[See Rule 3]
This is to confirm that the name proposed by you for the Citizen Community Board, namely: __________________________; is available.
Date of issue: ________ (Sign & Stamp of Registration Authority)
CCB Form – 2
[See Rule 5]
Part-A: List of Executive Committee #
Serial No. | Name of Member & Parentage | Residential Address | Education/ Professional Qualification | National I.D. Card No. | Present Occupation and Business address | Date of Appointment to Executive Committee | Membership of other voluntary organization |
Part-B: List of Founder members
Serial No. | Name of Member & Parentage | Residential Address | National I.D. Card No. | Present Occupation and Business address | Membership of other voluntary organization |
Part-C: List of members
Serial No. | Name of Member & Parentage | Residential Address | National I.D. Card No. | Present Occupation and Business address | Membership of other voluntary organization | Date of Subscription |
CCB Form – 3
[See Rule 5]
Registration No. ______ #
This is to certify that [NAME OF CCB ] with its official address at [ADDRESS ] has been registered as a CCB under the PunjabLocal Government Ordinance (Ordinance No. Xlllof 2001), 2001 and the Punjab Local Government Citizen Community Boards Rules, 2002.
This certificate is valid only for [NAME OF DISTRICT] District.
Date of issue:_______ [Signature and Stamp of Registration Authority]
[See Rule 12 and 13]
1. Profile of CCB.-
- Name of CCB —————————–
- Address with telephone No. of CCB —————————–
- Registration No. —————————–
- Date of Registration —————————–
- District of Registration —————————–
2. Implementation Arrangement for the Project.-
Ownership of project (Government or CCB)
- Management of Project (Government or CCB or Joint)
- Capacity to implement the current proposal-
- Professionals
- support staff
- previous experience
- other
3. Proposed Project Profile.-
- Name of Project ————————— ———
- Commencement Date of Project ————————————
- Completion Date of Project ————————————
- Location/Geographic Area Covered by the Project ———————–
- Main Sector/Sub-sector ——————————————————
- Main Objectives (What does the project aim to achieve?) ———
4. Project Activities.-
(Inputs/Outputs/ Work Plan)
Sr. No | Activity | Start Date | End Date | Targets | Units |
Provide Details/Explanation of Work Plan on Separate sheet
5. Community Participation Component in the Project.-
- How was the community involved in need identification/preparation of project proposal?
- How do you propose to involve the community in project implementation?
- How will the community be involved after completion of this project?
6. Project Management by CCB.-
i. How will you manage and monitor Inputs, Outputs, workplan, and Impact of the Project.
ii. Explain the record keeping and reporting system.
7. Financial Summary of Project.-
Cash Kind Total
i. Anticipated sources of funding.-
CCBs own resources ——————————————-
Proposed grant from local government ——————————————-
Total ——————————————-
ii. Total Cost of Project.-
Development Costs/One Time Cost ——————————————-
Yearly recurrent cost after completion of project ——————————————-
Salary ——————————————-
Non-salary ——————————————-
iii. Sources of funding of recurring cost.-
CCBs own resources ——————————————-
Proposed grant from local government ——————————————-
Project Revenues (Expected) ——————————————-
Total ——————————————-
8. Proposed Costs / Budget of the Project.-
Sr. # | Budget Head/ Description | CCB’s Own Contribution | Local Govt. Grant | Other Contribution | Total |
2.1 | Salaries | ||||
2.2 | Non Salary | ||||
IX. Estimated Revenues of the Project.-
Sr. No. | Revenue Head/Description | Total |
1 | ||
2 | ||
Note: Show the Detailed Calculations for Each Year Separately
X Proposed Project Installment Schedule.-
Note Request For Installment Must Be Sent Atleast One Month In Advance And Must Be Accompanied With The Latest Progress Report.
XI Proposed Progress Reporting Schedule.-
XII Project Coordinator.-
Name of Project Coordinator
Contact Address
1 | Project proposal received by the CCB official. | |
2 | Project proposal submitted to the Budget and Development Committee. | |
3 | Comments received from Budget and Development Committee on the project proposal. | |
4 | Comments sent to the CCB. | |
5 | Project proposal resubmitted by the CCB to the CCB official. | |
6 | Project proposal resubmitted to the Budget and Development Committee. | |
7 | CCB informed of Council decision (after approval of Budget). | |
8 | Revised proposal submitted by CCB if changes requested by Council. | |
9 | Project started. | |
10 | Date and amount of installments paid. | |
11 | Progress reports submitted. | |
12 | Project completed. |
CCB Form 5
[See Rule 120]
Agreement #
This Agreement is made this [ ] day of [ ] at [ ]
[NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT] (hereinafter referred to as the “local government”)
[NAME OF CCB] (hereinafter referred to as the “CCB”)
WHEREAS, the CCB proposed, and the local government approved, the [NAME OF PROJECT] (hereinafter referred to as the “ Project”).
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties have mutually agreed to the following terms and conditions to carry out the Project in accordance with the provisions of the [SBNP] Local Government Ordinance, 2001 (Ordinance No [ ] of 2001)-
1. General.-
- The project duly approved by the local government shall constitute an integral part of this agreement.
- The local government has sanctioned Rs. [ ] (hereinafter referred to as the “Grant”) for the purposes of execution and implementation of the Project.
- The CCB hereby agrees and undertakes to execute and implement the Project as duly approved.
- The Project shall be completed within a period of [ ], commencing from [ ].
- The CCB shall submit to the local government, progress report(s) setting out the financial and physical status of the Project as per schedule given in the project proposal.
2 Liabilities.- #
- Local government shall not be liable to any claim, debt, damage or demand arising out of execution or implementation of the Project.
- Local government shall not be liable for any compensation relating to death, disability or other hazards or personal injuries caused to members of the CCB or its sub-contractors or volunteers of the CCB or any other person or property as a result of the activities carried out in connection with the Project.
- Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver, express or implied, or immunity from suit or legal process of any privilege, exemption or other immunity enjoyed by the local government.
- In the event the Project is not carried out in accordance with this Agreement or the provisions of the Ordinance, the local government may, in addition to any other remedy available under law, cancel this Agreement and terminate disbursement of the outstanding portion of the Grant. In such eventuality, the property or assets of the in respect of the Project shall pass to the local government, as provided in the Ordinance.
3 Confidentiality.- #
Contents of this Agreement are not confidential. Either party may provide any person interested in knowing the status or affairs relating to the implementation of the Project such information.
4 Sustainability.- #
The CCB shall initiate necessary steps for active and efficient community participation in Project design, execution, operation and monitoring.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE undersigned being duly authorized have signed this Agreement on the date first written above.
For and on behalf of the For and on behalf of the
Local government CCB
1. [ ]
2. [ ]
[See Rule 120]
Request for Transfer of Installment #
The CCB official
Local government __________
It is requested that the [Number of installment] installment of Rs. [Amount] for the CCB may kindly be released as per installment schedule contained in the duly approved Project document.
The latest progress report upto [date] of the Project is enclosed herewith for your kind perusal.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
Citizen Community Board
Address __________________
Chairman, Citizen Community Board
[See Rule 122]
Budget Re-appropriation #
CCB Project Profile #
Name of the CCB __________________________
Reg. No. and Date __________________________
Name of the Project __________________________
Date of Commencement __________________________
Date of Completion __________________________
Sr. # | FROM | TO | Reasons for Re-appropriation | |||||
Account Code/ Description | Original Budget Amount Rs. | Expenditure to date | Amount to be re-appropriated | Accounts Code / Description | Original Budget Amount Rs. | Revised Amount | ||
Citizen Community Board
Address __________________
Citizen Community Board
CCB FORM – 8 #
[See Rule 123]
Excesses and Surrenders #
(Fiscal Year_______________)
CCB Project Profile #
Name of the CCB __________________________
Reg. No. and Date __________________________
Name of the Project __________________________
Date of Commencement __________________________
Date of Completion __________________________
Excess and Surrenders #
Accounts Code | Description of Accounts Code | Approved Budget | Actual Expenditure | Excesses/Surrenders |
Total |
Citizen Community Board
Address __________________
Citizen Community Board
[See Rule 116]
- The local government shall classify the schemes according to the priorities specified in the budget Call letter. The classification shall be developed on the following pattern-
Classification of the sectoral priorities and funding allocation by the Council
Priority | Sector | Sub-Sector | Type of Schemes |
1 | Education | Girls schools | Up-gradation |
2 | Health | Child & Women | |
3 | Health | Basic & Rural Health | |
Ranking and Selection of Schemes
The proposals received by the cut-off date shall be ranked as follows-
The CCB Official of the respective level of local government shall draw up a statement specifying the schemes by classification including the total amount of contributions for a particular classification of schemes.
CCB 1 PROJECT | 60 | 10000 |
CCB 2 PROJECT | 55 | 30000 |
CCB 3 PROJECT | 20 | 15000 |
CCB 4 PROJECT | 20 | 10000 |
A second statement shall determine contribution amounts for a particular classification of schemes as a ratio of the total contributions for all schemes registered with a particular local government for that year and the statement shall be used to determine amounts of allocations for a classification of schemes from the budget reserved for the purpose.
GIRLS SCHOOL | 65000 | 54 |
CHILD & WOMEN | 35000 | 29 |
BASIC & RURAL HEALTH | 20000 | 17 |
GIRLS SCHOOL | 54 | 540,000 |
CHILD & WOMEN | 29 | 290,000 |
BASIC & RURAL HEALTH | 17 | 170,000 |
TOTAL FOR CLASSIFICATION | 100 | 1,000,000 |
A third statement shall be drawn up, which shall identify the number of schemes registered in a particular classification, beginning with the scheme containing the highest contribution by the Citizen Community Board in a classification until all the schemes in the classification are selected or the funds allocated for that particular classification in the amount determined in the second statement are exhausted.
CCB 1 PROJECT | 60 | 500000 | 200000 | 200000 |
CCB 2 PROJECT | 50 | 300000 | 150000 | 350000 |
CCB 3 PROJECT | 20 | 200000 | 160000 | 510000 |
CCB 4 PROJECT | 20 | 100000 | 80000 | 590000 |
The funding is available for the first three Projects.